
Primary LanguageJavaScript


Instructions For Windows

Install Docker

Clone the repository and cd into the top-level directory containing the docker-compose.win.yml file.

Start the db container (daemonized using -d)

$ docker-compose -f docker-compose.win.yml up -d db

Check the logs and verify the container is up:

$ docker-compose -f docker-compose.win.yml logs db

Edit your hosts file located at: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts and add/edit the line pointing to localhost to include the hostname db like so: localhost db

Install PGAdmin3 https://www.pgadmin.org/download/windows.php

Add a new server and verify that you can connect to the listdev database at db:5432 with the credentials listed in the docker-compose yml file.

Run the migration to create the tables in the database. This will not use Docker. You need to create a virtualenv with psycopg2 and django, and activate it.

$ python manage.py migrate

One-time action to load some stored functions into the database

$ docker exec -it list_db_1 /bin/bash

Now you are inside the shell. Use the password in mysite/settings.py
$ PGPASSWORD=(passwd) psql -U devel -h db listdev < /storedfunc.sql

Run the Django development server (in your virtualenv)

$ python manage.py runserver

Vist the website at localhost:8081/listapp/

Stop the database container:

$ docker-compose stop

Instructions For MacOS

Install Docker

Clone the repository and cd into the top-level directory containing the docker-compose.yml file.

Start the db container (daemonized using -d)

$ docker-compose up -d db

Check the logs and verify the container is up:

$ docker-compose logs db

Run the migration to create the tables in the database:

$ docker-compose run --rm web python manage.py migrate

One-time action to load some stored functions. First, connect to the database using psql.

$ docker-compose run --rm db psql -d listdev -U devel -h db
At the prompt, enter the password contained in mysite/settings.py.

Now, you are in the psql client, and the prompt should indicate the listdev database.
At the prompt, execute the following command to the load the stored functions:
listdev=> \i /storedfunc.sql
It should say CREATE FUNCTION as the output.
Exit the psql client with the \q command.

Activate the web container (this runs the django development server)

$ docker-compose up -d web

Vist the website at localhost:8081/listapp/

Stop the containers:

$ docker-compose stop

More information can be found by typing docker-compose -h.