Best practices, documentation, and basic utilities

Primary LanguageROtherNOASSERTION


Lifecycle: experimental

This package is under the very early stages of initial development.

This package offers

  • SQLite database creation and a tutorial (below) on basic usage
  • Some built in processing functions for ISARIC data
  • There is also a pyISARICBasics package that provides similar functionality for researchers who wish to use Python: (https://github.com/KyleYoung1997/pyISARICBasics)


During this tutorial, we'll use the convention of appending packagename:: to every function that comes from a package outside of base R. This makes it easy to keep track of which R package each function comes from. So, for example, instead of writing install_github() (a function from the devtools package), we will write devtools::install_github().

Setting directories

For this tutorial, it will be handy to have file paths prepared.

First, create an empty list called DIRS, which will store all of the file paths.

DIRS <- list()

Now, set the location of the ISARIC data CSV files:

DIRS$data <- "C:/my/path/07APR2021/csvs"

We'll be making a SQLite database, and we need somewhere to store it, as well as a name for the database file. The following will set the database location to the same directory as the CSVs, and give it the name "db.sqlite":

DIRS$db_filename <- "db.sqlite"
DIRS$db <- DIRS$data


Start by installing the devtools package:


You can now install the current version of ISARICBasics with:


Then, load the ISARICBasics package:


Building the SQLite database

The database requires no additional installation, and is built from the CSV files provided by ISARIC. Assuming you have created the DIRS list, as above, you can build the SQLite database with:


The setting overwrite=FALSE makes sure that, if the SQLite database has already been built, no existing tables will be overwritten. Setting overwrite=TRUE will cause every table in the database to be overwritten. However, note that the ISARIC CSV files will never be changed or overwritten.

If you want more information on the build_sqlite function, you can open the help file by executing the code:


Optional: browsing the database with DB Browser

One advantage of having the SQLite database, is that browsing large tables is easier and faster than it would be through, e.g., Excel. To browse the database, you can install DB Browser for SQLite. Once DB Browser is installed, you can open the SQLite database in DB Browser by clicking on the database file. If you have followed this tutorial until now, the SQLite database file will be located in the same folder as the ISARIC CSV files, and will have the name db.sqlite. DB Browser is quite powerful. Here is a beginner friendly tutorial.

Browsing the database with R

Now the SQLite database is built, it does not have to be built again. Each time you use it with R, you can connect to it with:

con <- DBI::dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), DIRS$db)

The object con represents a connection to the whole database. We can find out what tables are available:


#> [1] "DM" "DS" "IN" "LB" "SA" "VS"

To connect to just the LB table, we use con as follows:

lb <- dplyr::tbl(con, "LB")

Now, lb can be treated much like a data.frame. We can easily print the first 10 rows of the LB table, and some other information:


#> # Source:   table<LB> [?? x 19]
#> # Database: sqlite 3.35.4
#> #   [C:\my\path\07APR2021\csvs\db.sqlite]
#>    <chr>   <chr>  <chr>     <dbl> <chr>    <chr>     <chr>
#>  1 CVMEWUS LB     CVMEWUS_~     1 HGB      Hemoglob~ NA   
#>  2 CVMEWUS LB     CVMEWUS_~     2 MCH      Ery. Mea~ NA   
#>  3 CVMEWUS LB     CVMEWUS_~     3 PLAT     Platelets NA   
#>  4 CVMEWUS LB     CVMEWUS_~     4 RBC      Erythroc~ NA   
#>  5 CVMEWUS LB     CVMEWUS_~     5 RDW      Erythroc~ NA   
#>  6 CVMEWUS LB     CVMEWUS_~     6 WBC      Leukocyt~ NA   
#>  7 CVMEWUS LB     CVMEWUS_~     7 IRON     Iron      NA   
#>  8 CVMEWUS LB     CVMEWUS_~     8 K        Potassium NA   
#>  9 CVMEWUS LB     CVMEWUS_~     9 LDH      Lactate ~ NA   
#> 10 CVMEWUS LB     CVMEWUS_~    10 LYM      Lymphocy~ NA   
#> # ... with more rows, and 12 more variables:
#> #   LBSCAT <int>, LBORRES <chr>, LBORRESU <chr>,
#> #   LBSTRESC <chr>, LBSTRESN <dbl>, LBSTRESU <chr>,
#> #   LBSTAT <chr>, LBREASND <chr>, LBSPEC <chr>,
#> #   LBMETHOD <int>, LBDY <dbl>, LBEVINTX <chr>

Notice, at the top of the above output, the sentence Source: table<LB> [?? x 19]. The ?? indicates that we do not know how many rows the LB table has. This is because the LB table hasn't been fully loaded into R memory. We are just connected to the table, which still resides in the SQLite database.

To view just the column names of the LB table:


#>  [1] "STUDYID"  "DOMAIN"   "USUBJID"  "LBSEQ"   
#>  [5] "LBTESTCD" "LBTEST"   "LBCAT"    "LBSCAT"  
#> [17] "LBMETHOD" "LBDY"     "LBEVINTX"

A note on the pipe operator

From now on, we will start using the pipe operator %>%. If you are unfamiliar with this handy tool, here is a tutorial.

Working with large SQL data in R

For a small table, such as DS, we can comfortably load the whole table into R, using dplyr::collect():

ds <- dplyr::tbl(con, "DS")
ds_all <- ds %>% dplyr::collect()

However, the LB table is very large. Loading the whole table into R may be unnecessary and slow. The R package dbplyr is installed automatically with ISARICBasics, and is useful for working with large SQL tables. With dbplyr installed, we can use many functions from the more well known R package, dplyr, on our SQL table connections.

A common operation is to filter the data, to retrieve only rows matching some condition. For example, we can filter the LB table, using our lb connection, to only connect to rows that have the value "CREAT" entered in the column LBTESTCD:

lb_creat <- lb %>% dplyr::filter(LBTESTCD == "CREAT")

The object lb_creat is now a connection, just like lb, but it is aware that we only want to look at cases where LBTESTCD == "CREAT". If we want to load all those cases into R memory, we can use dplyr::collect() again:

lb_creat_all <- lb_creat %>% dplyr::collect()

Now the full table has been loaded in R memory, as data.frame. We can, for example, look at its dimensions.


#> [1] 403509     19

Above, see that we have 403,509 rows, and 19 columns, pertaining to "CREAT" records in the LB table.

The dplyr package provides many other ways for us to summarise and retrieve information. For example, we can find out how many different units have been used, and how many times, for reporting on CREAT tests:

lb_creat %>%
  dplyr::group_by(LBORRESU) %>%
  dplyr::summarise(n=n()) %>%
#> # A tibble: 12 x 2
#>    LBORRESU      n
#>    <chr>     <int>
#>  1 NA         4561
#>  2 0.9           1
#>  3 MG/L          1
#>  4 MMOL/L        1
#>  5 U/L           2
#>  6 mg/L          9
#>  7 mg/dL     83307
#>  8 mg/dL'        1
#>  9 mmol/L      424
#> 10 mol          21
#> 11 umol        878
#> 12 umol/L   314303

Above, we have grouped the rows of lb_creat, by the contents of the LBORRESU column, and then we have summarised the result, asking for a tally of the number of rows in each group, with dplyr::summarise(n=n()). Grouping and summarising are powerful tools. For example, we can find the proportion of missing units (LBORRESU) for each type of lab test (LBTESTCD):

lb %>%
  dplyr::group_by(LBTESTCD) %>%
  dplyr::summarise(n=sum(is.na(LBORRESU), na.rm=T)) %>%
#> # A tibble: 78 x 2
#>    LBTESTCD     n
#>    <chr>    <int>
#>  1 ALB          0
#>  2 ALP       2639
#>  3 ALT      12246
#>  4 AMYLASE      0
#>  5 APTT      3288
#>  6 APTTSTND 10396
#>  7 AST      10202
#>  8 BASEEXCS    38
#>  9 BASO         0
#> 10 BASOLE       0
#> # ... with 68 more rows

The dplyr::filter function is also powerful. For example, we can use it to do free text searches with the %like% operator. Here, we search for all LBTEST entries containing the word "platelets":

lb %>% dplyr::filter(LBTEST %like% "%platelets%")

There are many more tools available in dplyr, and many are discussed clearly in the documentation.

ISARICBasics processing functions

ISARIC data are stored in an SDTM format and collected from the ISARIC Case Report Forms (CRF).

ISARICBasics processing functions are designed to transform some of the more complicated encodings for ISARIC data, to simpler formats.

To start, we will work with the SA and HO tables, to categorise events according to whether they occurred ('yes'), did not occur ('no'), or have an unknown status ('unknown') at each point in time.

sa <- dplyr::tbl(con, "SA")
ho <- dplyr::tbl(con, "HO")


#>  [1] "STUDYID"  "DOMAIN"   "USUBJID"  "SASEQ"    "SATERM"  
#> [11] "SASTAT"   "SAREASND" "SADY"     "SASTDY"   "SAENDY"  


#>  [1] "STUDYID"  "DOMAIN"   "USUBJID"  "HOSEQ"    "HOTERM"  
#> [11] "HODY"     "HOSTDY"   "HOENDY"   "HODUR"    "HOSTRF"  

We can see above that SA and HO have many similar column names, when the prefix xx is ignored. In particular, they both have:

  • xxTERM: the verbatim wording of the event (non-standardised).
  • xxOCCUR: helps indicate whether an event occurred.
  • xxPRESP: 'y' indicates the observation was pre-specified on the CRF, while missing or 'N' indicates spontaneous reports.
  • xxSTDY: the day of the event, relative to admission.

Rather than work with the verbatim wording of an event (xxTERM), which is highly variable, we can work with the standardised versions, e.g., HODECOD or SAMODIFY.

To understand xxOCCUR and xxPRESP better, we can find out how many combinations of these appear in each table, and how many times each combination occurs:

sa %>%
  dplyr::group_by(SAOCCUR, SAPRESP) %>%
  dplyr::summarise(n=n()) %>%
#> # A tibble: 5 x 3
#> # Groups:   SAOCCUR [4]
#>   SAOCCUR SAPRESP        n
#>   <chr>   <chr>      <int>
#> 1 NA      NA        250815
#> 2 NA      Y          43496
#> 3 N       Y       17334310
#> 4 U       Y        5388019
#> 5 Y       Y        2426457

ho %>%
  dplyr::group_by(HOOCCUR, HOPRESP) %>%
  dplyr::summarise(n=n()) %>%
#> # A tibble: 6 x 3
#> # Groups:   HOOCCUR [4]
#>   <chr>   <chr>    <int>
#> 1 NA      NA      218769
#> 2 NA      Y         1000
#> 3 N       Y       651063
#> 4 U       Y         6331
#> 5 Y       NA         577
#> 6 Y       Y       468717

We can see, for example, that in the HO table, the value HOOCCUR = 'Y' appeared beside the value HOPRESP = NA, a total of 577 times.

The function ISARICBasics::process_occur will process each possible combination of xxOCCUR and xxPRESP into one column, called status, which takes values 'yes' (occurred), 'no' (did not occur), or 'unknown' (unknown status):

ho_modified <- ho %>%
  ISARICBasics::process_occur(xxOCCUR = HOOCCUR, xxPRESP = HOPRESP)

We can now summarise the results to see how the new column named status compares to HOOCCUR and HOPRESP:

ho_modified %>%
  dplyr::group_by(HOOCCUR, HOPRESP, status) %>%
  dplyr::summarise(n=n()) %>%
#> # A tibble: 6 x 4
#> # Groups:   HOOCCUR, HOPRESP [6]
#>   HOOCCUR HOPRESP status       n
#>   <chr>   <chr>   <chr>    <int>
#> 1 NA      NA      yes     218769
#> 2 NA      Y       unknown   1000
#> 3 N       Y       no      651063
#> 4 U       Y       unknown   6331
#> 5 Y       NA      yes        577
#> 6 Y       Y       yes     468717

Note that the status column added by ISARICBasics::process_occur is lowercase, while the other columns are uppercase. This is a good convention to keep track of which columns are from the original ISARIC data (uppercase) and which columns are derived (lowercase).