Nick's blogdown site, Academic template.


  • blogdown::check_site(): a battery of checks and suggestions for cleanup.

  • blogdown::build_site() (or Build tab > Build Website button): rebuilds the site content, to reflect any changes made to the files.

  • blogdown::serve_site(): display the site content to Viewer panel/browser.

  • cv/resume lives in ./static/media

  • Author picture lives in ./content/authors/nicholas/avatar.jpeg

  • /assets/: think of this as themeing and dependencies for the website itself, the tab icon exists in /assets/images/icon.png

  • /static/: think of this as a /figures or /output folder; images, gif, and other files that are referenced in the /content/ section belong here.

  • /content/: primary point of changes. Stores compilable files such as .md, .rmd.

  • /public/: Do not touch this!; This is the content that is being hosted. blogdown::build_site() compiles the /content/ and overwrites the output to public for hosting.

  • /config/_default/menus.toml: Most other changes to display and order are made here, kind of like a parent doc ordering display of children documents.
