
Coursolve Healthcare Twitter Analysis project

Primary LanguagePython

Coursolve Healthcare Twitter Analysis project

The initial purpose of this repo was to distribute a program that would query Twitter for the tweets in the files provided by the project and to add more data. It has accomplished that and evolved.


  • BasicLexicalEDA.pdf
    Frequencies, etc. of words, hashtags, user-mentions and URLs. Word cloud.
  • Hashtags_and_Score.pdf
    A quick look at hashtag and score distributions
  • Numerical_EDA.pdf
    Statistics on the all the numerical fields available
  • Score_predicted_by_Numerics.pdf
    Do any of the numerics predict score?
  • TextMining.pdf
    Word Cloud and dendogram.
  • SentimentAnalysis.pdf
    Comparison of the Breen and AFINN sentiment-scoring systems.

Twitter text parsing functions

  • parse_tweet_text
    Input:  tweet_text: a string with the text of a single tweet
            AFINN:      (optional) True (must have "AFINN-111.txt" in folder)
    Output: lists of:
              users mentioned
            (optional) AFINN-111 score 
    Usage: from twitter_functions import parse_tweet_text 
           words, hashes, users, urls = parse_tweet_text(tweet_text)
           words, hashes, users, urls, AFINN_score = parse_tweet_text(tweet_text, AFINN=True)
  • find_WordsHashUsers
  Input:  input_filename: any csv file containing the tweet text  
          text_field_name: the name of the column containing the tweet text  
          list_or_set: do you want every instance ("list") or unique entries ("set")?  
  Output: lists or sets of  
            users mentioned  
   Usage:  from twitter_functions import find_WordsHashUsers
           word_list, hash_list, user_list, url_list, num_tweets = \  
           find_WordsHashUsers("../files/Tweets_BleedingDisorders.csv", "content", "list")  
           word_set, hash_set, user_set, url_set, num_tweets =  \  
           find_WordsHashUsers("../files/Tweets_BleedingDisorders.csv", "content", "set")

Try a sample file

Before trying the instructions below, just download one of the sample .csv files and play around. These files have been filled out with the data available from Twitter and will get you started with analyses and visualizations.

In the Analyses section, below, are a few examples of using these datasets.

I. Setup

  1. Pull these files onto your computer
  • twitter_functions.py
  • add_twitter_data_bulk.py
  • twitter_credentials.py
  1. Note for early adopters ...
    - add_twitter_data_bulk.py replaces add_twitter_data.py
    - twitter_functions.py has been updated

  2. Copy in any .csv files you want to convert from

  3. Modify "twitter_credentials.py" with your personal Twitter credentials

def twitter_credentials():  
    A sample of this file is on the repo. Just download it, fill in your info and
    save it in the same path as the other files.
    See https://apps.twitter.com/ to get your own credentials
    api_key = " your credentials "  
    api_secret = " your credentials "  
    access_token_key = " your credentials "  
    access_token_secret = " your credentials "  
    return (api_key,api_secret,access_token_key,access_token_secret)  

II. Run

In IPython:

cd <to the folder with the programs and files>
%run add_twitter_data_bulk.py "the_name_of_your_file.csv"

The program will notify you after every batch; the output file is the name of the input file with "_full" appended. Twitter sometimes returns less data than we requested, in which case we stop when we reach an id mismatch and request a new batch. Rows processed up to an id mismatch are retained.

The change from serial to batch processing gets much further before running into Twitter's throttle (I processed well over 10,000 lines during testing before I hit it) but it's still there. As before, if any input lines have been processed by that point they WILL be written to the output file. The new code also runs to completion considerably faster.

This is version 0.2.

  • Batch processing has been added.
  • POST processing is recommended by Twitter but I don't currently see the need.
  • If anyone wants me to parse out place names, send me a python list via the "Issues" tab to the right of the GitHub screen
    place_names = ["Boston","Hong Kong", ...]
    Don't include junk like DE for Delaware or IN for Indiana

This version is pretty robust, so you ought to really be able to make progress. But bugs undoubtedly remain and if you encounter problems I will try to help: use the "Issues" tab on the right of the GitHub screen and give me as much documentation as you can so I can reproduce the problem. Thanks.


  • hashtag_split.py
  input:  a csv file that has been processed by add_twitter_data_bulk.py  
  output: a csv file with one row for every hashtag in a row of the input file  
  use:    %run hashtag_split "Tweets_BleedingDisorders_full.csv" 
  • usermentions_split.py
  input:  a csv file that has been processed by add_twitter_data_bulk.py  
  output: a csv file with one row for every *user_mentions* item in a row of the input file  
  use:    %run usermentions_split "Tweets_BleedingDisorders_full.csv"  
  • add_sentiment.py
  input:  a csv file that has been processed by add_twitter_data_bulk.py  
  output: a csv file with *sentiment* field added based on AFINN-111.txt  
  use:    %run add_sentiment "Tweets_BleedingDisorders_full.csv"  

Project Description

The dataset consists of ~2.5 Million tweets, more than 15 Million words. Potential areas which could be explored:

  1. Algorithms Research: Phrase detection, Spam Filtering for tweets, Natural Language Processing, Clustering, Classification, Bag of word analysis, Ontology for Healthcare, Part of Speech Analysis etc.

  2. Technology / Framework Research: What are the various frameworks / libraries / toolkits to implement text analysis, machine learning, NLP? (Preferably open source). What specific big data technology stack could be useful? Which Database / Data warehouse Technology Stack is lightweight and useful here?

  3. Business/ Domain Research: What kind of data is readily available (example - open government data) that could be useful to correlate with disease related tweets. Can we find a collection of hospital names, drug names, important medical hashtags, twitter usernames of healthcare organizations etc. that will aid in this project. What are the business use cases for this data set?

  4. Visualization Research: Finally one of the most critical, what set of visualization would help describe this data? Which libraries / tools could be used? I would recommend everyone to visit the “Collaboaration Space” on coursolve where we are having many interesting discussions. You would get a lot more ideas and probably collaborate on the next steps too.