
Independent Study of data structures and algorithms in Python

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Purpose of the Project

  • Implement and time sorting algorithms in Python
  • Calculate sorting algorithm runtimes using Big-O notation
  • Compare theoretical runtimes with observed runtimes
  • Test corner cases for each sorting algorithm

Files Included


  • Create eight arrays of varying length that are sorted by each sorting algorithm


  • Create arrays used to check each sorting algorithm's performance when given arrays that are not positive integers


  • For each of the eight varying lengths, create six arrays that are sorted by Probabilistic Quicksort
  • Multiple arrays of each length are needed to get multiple data points since Probabilistic Quicksort randomly chooses a pivot


  • Create arrays to check Probabilistic Quicksort's performance when given arrays that are not positive integers


  • Gives Confidence Interval and Standard Error interpretation


  • Theoretical and observed runtimes are similar since mean squared error is 0.006096488
  • Time complexity of Bubble Sort is O(n^2)


  • Arrays with unusual lengths or data types
    • Successful sorting: array of length 0, array of length 1, array with negative numbers, array with decimals, array of letters, array of strings
    • Failed sorting: array with string
  • Arrays with different structures
    • Fastest runtime for equal elements and elements in ascending order
    • Slowest runtime for elements in descending order


  • Theoretical and observed runtimes are similar since mean squared error is 0.000001092
  • Time complexity is O(nlog(n))


  • Arrays with unusual lengths or data types
    • Successful sorting: array of length 0, array of length 1, array with negative numbers, array with decimals, array of letters, array of strings
    • Failed sorting: array with string
  • Arrays with different structures
    • Fastest runtime for equal elements
    • Slowest runtime for elements in descending order


  • Theoretical and observed runtimes are similar since mean squared error is 0.003614408
  • Time complexity is O(n^2)


  • Arrays with unusual lengths or data types
    • Successful sorting: array of length 0, array of length 1, array with negative numbers, array with decimals, array of letters, array of strings
    • Failed sorting: array with string
  • Arrays with different structures
    • Fastest runtime for equal elements and elements in ascending order
    • Slowest runtime for elements in descending order


  • Theoretical and observed runtimes are similar since mean squared error is 0.000004666
  • Time complexity is O(nlog(n))


  • Arrays with unusual lengths or data types
    • Successful sorting: array of length 1, array with negative numbers, array with decimals, array of letters, array of strings
    • Failed sorting: array of length 0, array with string
  • Arrays with different structures
    • Fastest runtime for array with equal elements
    • Slowest runtime for array in descending order


  • Mean squared error of the equation for the worst time complexity is 0.001923786
  • Mean squared error of the equation for the expected run time is 0.002120841
  • Worst case is O(n^2)
  • Expected run time is O(nlog(n))


  • Arrays with unusual lengths or data types
    • Successful sorting: array of length 0, array of length 1, array with negative numbers, array with decimals, array of letters, array of strings
    • Failed sorting: array with string
  • Arrays with different structures
    • Fastest runtime for elements with different ones place
    • Slowest runtime for equal elements


  • Theoretical and observed runtimes are similar since mean squared error is 0.000002648
  • Time complexity is O(n)


  • Arrays with unusual lengths or data types
    • Successful sorting: array of length 1
    • Failed sorting: array of length 0, array with negative numbers, array with decimals, array with string, array of letters, array of strings
  • Arrays with different structures
    • Fastest runtime for equal elements
    • Slowest runtime for different ones place


  • Theoretical and observed runtimes are similar since mean squared error is 0.016570244
  • Time complexity is O(n^2)


  • Arrays with unusual lengths or data types
    • Successful sorting: array of length 0, array of length 1, array with negative numbers, array with decimals, array of letters, array of strings
    • Failed sorting: array with a string
  • Arrays with different structures
    • Fastest runtime for array of equal elements
    • Slowest runtime for array in descending order


  • Radix Sort sorts arrays the fastest
    • However, radix sort fails for all corner cases except sorting an array of length 1
  • Merge Sort and Heap Sort also sort arrays quickly, and they successfully sort more corner cases than Radix Sort
  • Bubble Sort and Selection Sort slowly sort arrays


  • When choosing a sorting algorithm, one must consider structure of arrays needing sorting, time complexity, and space complexity