Building the Bangazon Platform API

Welcome, new Bangazonians, to the engineering team here at! Our niche platform connects home aquarium enthusiasts to be able to buy and sell products like fish tanks, filters, fish food, pumps, accessories, etc.

Our immediate need for an application is an internal tool that can be used by our customer service team and our human resources team.

Your team has been assigned to build out a .NET Web API that makes each resource in the Bangazon database available to application developers throughout the rest of the engineering department.

  1. Products
  2. Product types
  3. Customers
  4. Orders
  5. Payment types
  6. Employees
  7. Computers
  8. Training programs
  9. Departments

Pro tip: You do not need to make a Controller for the join tables (i.e. EmployeeTraining), because those aren't resources.

The front end team has been given a prototype API to help them implement a React web application. The prototype is built similar to JSON Server and not a actual long-term solution for persisting and retrieving data. We need your team to build a production ready API to replace the prototype.

If you complete all tickets in your backlog, you should have the following endpoints implemented.

Your front end developers are expecting data back from your API that looks exactly like what's listed below. If the properties don't match, the client application will break. NOTE Don't worry about any differences in dummy data the prototype uses vs the data in your database. The only thing that is important is that the shape of each resource should match exactly.

To see examples from the prototype API you can use this base URL:

🔥🔥 Check in with your lead developer, product owner, or scrum master if you have any questions 🔥🔥

Supported URL Endpoints


Description Endpoint Method Request Body Response Body
Get all customers api/customers GET Customer Array
Search for customer api/customers?q={someSearchTerm} GET Customer Array
Get customer by Id api/customers/{id} GET Customer Object
Get customer and include product listings api/customers/{id}?include=products GET Customer Object w/ Products Array
Add a customer api/customers POST Customer Object Customer Object
Update a customer api/customers/{id} PUT Customer Object Customer Object
Make customer inactive api/customer/{id} DELETE


Description Endpoint Method Request Body Response Body
Get all products api/products GET Product Array
Search products by name api/products?q={searchTerm} GET Product Array
Sort products by most recent api/products?sortBy=recent GET Product Array
Sort products by popularity api/products?sortBy=popularity GET Product Array
Sort products by least expensive api/products?sortBy=price&asc=true GET Product Array
Sort products by most expensive api/products?sortBy=price&asc=false GET Product Array
Add a new product api/products POST Product Object Product Object
Update a product api/products/{id} PUT Product Object Product Object
Remove a product api/products/{id} DELETE

Payment Types

Description Endpoint Method Request Body Response Body
Get all payment types api/paymentTypes GET PaymentType Array
Get payment type by id api/paymentTypes/{id} GET PaymentType Object
Add new payment type api/paymentTypes POST PaymentType Object PaymentType Object
Remove a payment type api/paymentTypes/{id} DELETE

User Payment Options

Description Endpoint Method Request Body Response Body
Get a customer's payment options api/userPaymentTypes?customerId={customer id} GET UserPaymentType Array
Add a payment option for customer api/userPaymentTypes POST UserPaymentType Object UserPaymentType Object
Update customer payment option api/userPaymentTypes/{id} PUT UserPaymentType Object UserPaymentType Object
Remove customer payment option api/userPaymentTypes/{id} DELETE

Orders *

Description Endpoint Method Request Body Response Body
Get orders made by customer api/orders?customerId={customer Id} GET Order Array
Get order by order ID api/orders/{id} GET Order Object
Get customer's shopping cart api/orders?customerId={customerId}&cart=true GET Order Object w/ Product Array
Add a product to shopping cart api/orders POST CustomerProduct Object Order Object
Purchase order in cart** api/orders/{id} PUT Order Object**
Remove product from cart api/orders/{orderId}/products{productId} DELETE

* Order objects that have a payment method that isn't NULL are considered complete and processed. An order that does not have a payment type would be considered a user's shopping cart. A user can have only one shopping cart, and therefore will only have a maximum of one Order record in the database with a NULL payment type at a given time.

** To purchase an order, update the Order object's userPaymentId property

Product Types

Description Endpoint Method Request Body Response Body
Get all product types api/productTypes GET ProductType Array
Get product type by Id api/productTypes/{id} GET ProductType Object
Get product type with products api/productTypes/{id}?include=products GET ProductType Array
Add a product type api/productTypes POST ProductType Object ProductType Object
Update a product type api/productTypes/{id} PUT ProductType Object ProductType Object


Description Endpoint Method Request Body Response Body
Get all employees api/employees GET Employee Array
Get employee by Id api/employees/{id} GET Employee Object
Search for employee by name api/employees?firstName=John&lastName=Smith GET Employee Array
Add an employee api/employees POST Employee Object Employee Object
Update an employee api/employees/{id} PUT Employee Object Employee Object


Description Endpoint Method Request Body Response Body
Get all departments api/departments GET Department Array
Get department by Id api/departments/{id} GET Department Object
Get department with employees api/departments/{id}?include=employees GET Department Array w/ Employees
Add a department api/departments POST Department Object Department Object
Update a department api/departments/{id} PUT Department Object Department Object


Description Endpoint Method Request Body Response Body
Get available computers api/computers?available=true GET Computer Array
Get unavailable computers api/computers?available=false GET Computer Array
Get computer by Id api/computers/{id} GET Computer Object
Add computer api/computers POST Computer Object Computer Object
Update computer record api/computers/{id} PUT Computer Object Computer Object
Delete a computer record api/computers/{id} DELETE

Training Programs

Description Endpoint Method Request Body Response Body
Get upcoming training programs api/trainingPrograms GET TrainingProgram Array
Get training program by Id api/trainingPrograms/{id} GET TrainingProgram Object w/ Employees
Add training program api/trainingPrograms POST TrainingProgram Object Training Program Object
Add employee to training program api/trainingPrograms/{id}/employees POST Employee Object TrainingProgram Object w/ Employees
Update training program api/trainingPrograms/{id} PUT TrainingProgram Object TrainingProgram Object
Remove training program api/trainingPrograms/{id} DELETE
Remove employee from program api/trainingPrograms/{id}/employees/{employeeId} DELETE

Revenue Report

Description Endpoint Method Request Body Response Body
Get revenue by product type api/revenueReport GET RevenueReport Array


First, you need to plan. The official SQL script for creating the database is already in this repository (see below). Before you start coding, take a moment and look at the SQL script and build a Bangazon ERD using Once your team agrees that the ERD is complete, you must get it approved by your lead developer before you begin writing code for the API.


Next, you need to author the Models needed for your API. Make sure that each model has the approprate foreign key relationship defined on it, either with a custom type or an List<T> to store many related things. For example, a ProductType has many Productss associated with it, and therefore you will want a property of List<Product> on the ProductType model.

Database Management

You will be using the Official Bangazon SQL file to create your database. Create the database using Visual Studio.


Now it's time to build the controllers that handle GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE operations on each resource. Make sure you read, and understand, the requirements in the issue tickets.

JSON Examples


    "id": 1575559407787,
    "active": true,
    "createdDate": "2019-08-25T00:00:00.000Z",
    "firstName": "Nathanael",
    "lastName": "Laverenz",
    "address": "401 Nunya Business Dr",
    "city": "Herman",
    "state": "New York",
    "email": "",
    "phone": "6151237584"

Customer w/ Products

    "id": 1575559407733,
    "active": true,
    "createdDate": "2019-08-25T00:00:00.000Z",
    "firstName": "Kimble",
    "lastName": "Peskett",
    "address": "508 Loop Cir",
    "city": "Nashville",
    "state": "Tennessee",
    "email": "",
    "phone": "5671234567",
    "products": [
            "id": 15755594079866,
            "productTypeId": 1575501970047,
            "customerId": 1575559407733,
            "price": 76.91,
            "description": "morbi ut odio cras mi pede malesuada in imperdiet et commodo",
            "title": "Passat",
            "dateAdded": "2019-08-25T00:00:00.000Z"
            "productTypeId": 1575559407749,
            "customerId": 1575559407733,
            "price": 79.92,
            "description": "semper rutrum nulla nunc purus phasellus in felis donec semper sapien a libero",
            "title": "Santa Fe",
            "dateAdded": "2019-09-25T00:00:00.000Z",
            "id": 1575669305071


    "id": 15755594079867,
    "productTypeId": 1575501970045,
    "customerId": 1575559407755,
    "price": 62.54,
    "description": "pede ullamcorper augue a suscipit nulla elit ac nulla sed",
    "title": "Murciélago LP640",
    "dateAdded": "2018-12-25T00:00:00.000Z"


    "id": 1575501974871,
    "name": "Mastercard",
    "active": true


    "id": 1575501978463,
    "customerId": 1575559407787,
    "paymentTypeId": 1575501974871,
    "acctNumber": "2234 56789 0123",
    "active": true


    "id": 1575559407665,
    "customerId": 1575559407787,
    "userPaymentId": null


    "customerId": 1575559407787,
    "productId": 1575501970208


    "id": 1575501970045,
    "name": "Accessories"


    "id": 1575501974624,
    "firstName": "Adam",
    "lastName": "Sheaffer",
    "departmentId": 1575559403192,
    "isSupervisor": false,
    "computerId": 1575566566333,
    "email": "",
    "computer": {
        "id": 1575566566333,
        "purchaseDate": "2016-01-01T23:28:56.782Z",
        "decomissionDate": null,
        "make": "Apple",
        "model": "Macbook Pro"


    "id": 1575559403194,
    "name": "Accounting",
    "budget": 1230000


    "id": 1575566566333,
    "purchaseDate": "2016-01-01T23:28:56.782Z",
    "decomissionDate": null,
    "make": "Apple",
    "model": "Macbook Pro"


    "id": 1575559403194,
    "name": "GIS Application",
    "startDate": "2018-09-25T00:00:00.000Z",
    "endDate": "2018-10-05T00:00:00.000Z",
    "maxAttendees": 45


    "productTypeId": 1575501970829,
    "productType": "Filters",
    "totalRevenue": 158.64