Art Gallery

As owners of several art galleries, we need a web page to advertise our available art and keep them informed of upcomming events. In addition, we need to manage our inventory, sales and profits. Your task is to provide a solution based on the below user stories using your knowledge of databaes and ASP.NET MVC.

User Stories:

As a customer I will:

  1. be able to view all the art currently for sale (with images)
  2. be able to select a piece of art and view the details (Image, price dimensions, number in inventory and location) for that piece
  3. view only the art for an artist, medium or price range of my choosing
  4. Find the details of upcomming events including gallory openings


  1. View the art I've purchased, the price I paid for each and the total I have spent.
  2. Mark pieces that I would like to purchase and have them save for me to check out later (equivalent to "watch" on ebay)

As a gallery owner I will:

  1. be able to view my inventory, the current asking price and the price the gallery paid for the art
  2. be able to view all sold artwork, the price paid and the profit made
  3. be able to view the total sales (for the week/month/year)
  4. View the current profit (for the week/month/year)
  5. Add, Edit and Remove Art to the inventory
  6. Add and Edit Art agents to/in the database
  7. View all the agents, their sales and their profit Bonus:
  8. be able to implement a sale on the artwork. I should be able to preview the sale prices, original cost and highlight in red the pieces that will loose the gallery money if on sale.

As product owners, we have provided:

  1. Screen shots
  2. Spreadsheet
  3. An ERD diagram - Note: do we want them to have this or make their own.