Learning SQL with Chinook

Downloading the Database Files

Click the big download button from the Chinook Database site. Know which directory that it's being downloaded to.

Moving the SQLite Database to Your Workspace

  1. In your CLI, get to the directory where you extracted the archive. It should be something like the following.

    cd ~/Downloads/ChinookDatabase1.4_CompleteVersion
  2. Create a directory for your work.

    mkdir -p ~/workspace/chinook
  3. Move the Chinook_Sqlite.sqlite file to that directory

    cp Chinook_Sqlite.sqlite ~/workspace/chinook

That file is the database. It contains all of the tables and data. You can now open up that file in the SQLite Browser application to see it.


  1. In your cohort's Github account, create a github repository for your answers. If your instructor is using Github Classroom, the repository will be created for you. If not, name your repository chinook-{your Github username].
  2. If you are using the Firefox Add On, and you have trouble opening it once it has been installed, try opening Firefox, selecting "customize" at the bottom of the hamberger menu at the top right of the page. You can then drag SQLite Manager onto the toolbar where it will be easily accessible.
  3. Go ahead and click around a little bit to familarize yourself with the database
  4. Recommended: Draw an ERD of the Chinook database. Make sure to label primary keys, foreign keys, and indicate the type of relationship (one to one, one to many, many to many, etc) for each relationship. Use draw.io.
  5. When you're ready to start the exercise, click the tab labeled "Execute SQL", type in your query and run it.
  6. If your query is correct - meaning it returns the data requested - copy and the SQL statement and paste it into the corresponding file for the exercise (see below). If your query doesn't return the expected results, try try again.

For each of the following exercises, provide the appropriate query. Yes, even the ones that are expressed in the form of questions. Everything from class and the Sqlite Documentation is fair game.

  1. non_usa_customers.sql: Provide a query showing Customers (just their full names, customer ID and country) who are not in the US.

  2. brazil_customers.sql: Provide a query only showing the Customers from Brazil.

  3. brazil_customers_invoices.sql: Provide a query showing the Invoices of customers who are from Brazil. The resultant table should show the customer's full name, Invoice ID, Date of the invoice and billing country.

  4. sales_agents.sql: Provide a query showing only the Employees who are Sales Agents.

  5. unique_invoice_countries.sql: Provide a query showing a unique/distinct list of billing countries from the Invoice table.

  6. sales_agent_invoices.sql: Provide a query that shows the invoices associated with each sales agent. The resultant table should include the Sales Agent's full name.

  7. invoice_totals.sql: Provide a query that shows the Invoice Total, Customer name, Country and Sale Agent name for all invoices and customers.

  8. total_invoices_{year}.sql: How many Invoices were there in 2009 and 2011?

  9. total_sales_{year}.sql: What are the respective total sales for each of those years?

  10. invoice_37_line_item_count.sql: Looking at the InvoiceLine table, provide a query that COUNTs the number of line items for Invoice ID 37.

  11. line_items_per_invoice.sql: Looking at the InvoiceLine table, provide a query that COUNTs the number of line items for each Invoice. HINT: GROUP BY

  12. line_item_track.sql: Provide a query that includes the purchased track name with each invoice line item.

  13. line_item_track_artist.sql: Provide a query that includes the purchased track name AND artist name with each invoice line item.

  14. country_invoices.sql: Provide a query that shows the # of invoices per country. HINT: GROUP BY

  15. playlists_track_count.sql: Provide a query that shows the total number of tracks in each playlist. The Playlist name should be include on the resulant table.

  16. tracks_no_id.sql: Provide a query that shows all the Tracks, but displays no IDs. The result should include the Album name, Media type and Genre.

  17. invoices_line_item_count.sql: Provide a query that shows all Invoices but includes the # of invoice line items.

  18. sales_agent_total_sales.sql: Provide a query that shows total sales made by each sales agent.

  19. top_2009_agent.sql: Which sales agent made the most in sales in 2009?

    Hint: Use the MAX function on a subquery.

  20. top_agent.sql: Which sales agent made the most in sales over all?

  21. sales_agent_customer_count.sql: Provide a query that shows the count of customers assigned to each sales agent.

  22. sales_per_country.sql: Provide a query that shows the total sales per country.

  23. top_country.sql: Which country's customers spent the most?

  24. top_2013_track.sql: Provide a query that shows the most purchased track of 2013.

  25. top_5_tracks.sql: Provide a query that shows the top 5 most purchased tracks over all.

  26. top_3_artists.sql: Provide a query that shows the top 3 best selling artists.

  27. top_media_type.sql: Provide a query that shows the most purchased Media Type.