Capstone Time - Getting Started

  1. Your capstone is a single page app created with React.
  2. Share your idea with instruction team member and get thumbs-up
  3. Proposal - Use Google Docs and provide a link.
    • Project Overview
      • Consider:
        • What problem does your capstone address?
        • User Focused Goals
        • Your Goals
        • Describe any technology needed.
        • List API's
        • Define MVP
          • Outline the features
          • Specifications
          • Functionality
        • Define Stretch Goals
          • List individual features

Share all of the following with the instruction team

  1. Start GitProject or Trello board.
  2. Create an ERD. Add to your project
  3. Plan/outline the components your project will need. Show the data relationship (props and state). Add to your project
  4. Mock-ups - hand draw or use a tool like or google docs.

Cool and Helpful Stuff

Presentation Day

Get the details here!

READ THIS: Capstone Tips by Callan Morrison