It's time to make your own site that describes your personality type that you discovered from Your site should have a single HTML page, with the following sections.
- General Profile Section: Three statements that you agree with. Three statements that you don't agree with, and why.
- People Like Me Section: 4 people that share your personality type.
- Comunication Section:
- How would I communicate best with my little sib.
- How would I like my instructors to communicate with me.
- How would I like my teammates to communicate with me
- You must create an object with three keys, each representing one of the sections. Store that object in local storage.
- Then when you write your application, read from local storage and use the data to build the three sections in your HTML.
- document.createElement()
- localStorage.getItem()
- You must use Flexbox to layout your page structure.
- You must push to Github and notify your lead instructor when you are done.