
celebrity-tribute-salty-flux created by GitHub Classroom

Primary LanguageHTML

Nashville Software School Tribute Agency

Welcome fans.

Your first task as a reporter of the NSSTA is to compile a tribute report on one of the many artists we are considering as a potential honoree winner. Listed below is the information we need to be gathered. Each one of you will be responsible for building a web page to present this information to our judges for consideration.

Keep in mind you should be practicing what you have learned so far in class. When you are building your site make sure you are using semantic tags whenever possible and use Flexbox for styling instead of CSS frameworks such as Bootstrap or Materialize.

All Pages (consistent manner)

  1. Navigation links to the other pages of the report.
  2. Social Media links in the footer.

Executive Summary

This should be the first information displayed when the report is opened. It should contain the following components.

  1. Known collaborators with the artist.
  2. A portrait of the artist. This component should have a photo and name.
  3. List of known aliases.
  4. Country of residence.


We want to see the artist's list of talents. This page should include the following components.

  1. Short intro to artist.
  2. List of skills/talents.
  3. List of published works - minimum of 3 with images.
  4. List of places the artist has lived. Be sure to list begin and end times.
  5. Include any collaborators.
  6. List of awards.


  1. Birth date with country of origin.
  2. Birth name (if different than public name)
  3. Death date if applicable.
  4. Country of current residence.
  5. List of immediate family members (for example: spouse, children, siblings, parents) - minimum 3 with images.
    1. For multiple spouses, show begin/end dates.

News Feed

We want to see a list of recent news that might be connected, in any way, to the artist and/or their estate. It should include the following components.

  1. Recent events that might be connected to artist.
  2. Each event should include: related image, date, location, type of event, collaborators, and where the event occured or to purchase tickets.

(If you have 5 team members) Extras Report

  1. List of online resources: offical website, Wikipedia, art galleries, tribute websites, etc.
  2. List of places to view or aquire works.
  3. List of business/organizations/volunteer with logo image.
  4. List of past or current tour/exhibit/show dates