"Hey, let's start a company," you say.
"Ok. Let's do it. What should our company do?"
"Well..." you begin, "what do people need? What will they find valuable?"
"I know I always need help keeping things organized."
"Yeah," you say, pondering the idea. "Organization. That's good. What should we organize? ...I know: Blog Posts!"
"Great idea!"
"We'll make millions!"
Our new business will create a software product to allow people save info about favorite blog posts, authors and blogs.
In order to test the new business idea, we'll create a Proof of Concept (POC). This POC will be a simplified implementation of the idea that will be used to test the business idea to ensure that customers would find it valuable, and also to allow the team to get a handle on the concept. After we complete the POC we will use it to evaluate our business idea and determine if we need to pivot (change direction) toward another idea.
For our POC, we will build a command line app in C# and save our data in SQL Server.
- Git clone to a directory on a computer with ADO .Net installed.
- Under the TabloidCLI directory, execute "dotnet run".
- From the Main Menu, you can access all the main data managers, from Authors, Blogs, Posts, and Tags to assign to those items, as well as Journal entries, and a Color Manager to update the background color.
- Withing the submnenus for each of the managers, you may add, edit, list, and remove the items, or add and remove tags.
Built with MS SQL Server Express and ADO .Net Core 3.1 with Visual Studio 2019/C# as a console application.
- Anthony Johnson
- David Larsen
- David Bruce