
tabloidmvc-casino created by GitHub Classroom

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Tabloid MVC

Good news, everyone, our Tabloid CLI Proof of Concept did it's job! We were able to test our business idea after a minimal amount of development time. And we learned people don't want to keep a list of other people's blog content. What they really want is to make their own content.

So it's time to pivot. We're still going to focus on long-form writing, but not we'll let people write their own posts.

Tabloid Prototype

We're ready to build a working prototype of the Tabloid application. This prototype will help us better understand and refine our product. It won't be as feature-rich or as polished as our final product, but it should implement the core features and be as close to our current vision of the product as possible.

We know we want a multi-user web application with a rich user experience. For the final product, we we'd like to use react, but we'd like to develope the prototype as rapidly as possible. The architect has decided that ASP.NET Core MVC is the perfect balance of features and rapid development.


Tabloid MVC will have two types of users:

  • Authors can create Posts, manage their own Posts, and read and comment on other authors' posts.

  • Admins can do all the things authors can do, but are also in charge of managing all the data in the system.


Tabloid ERD

Contributing Authors:

Jonathan Riley

  • Categories

Faith Magras

  • Comments

Rob Mixon

  • Posts

Drew Harper

  • Tags

Testing Instructions

  1. Run a git clone to pull down our source code.
  2. Run a query of the SQL data to create tables and to insert values into them.
  3. Execute or debug the application from Visual Studio.
  4. Login with sample admin data from the SQL.
  5. Follow the navigation links and prompts to test functionality of application.

Technologies used

  • C#
  • HTML / CSS