
An ESP32 based 8 channels motor controller (to replace Homematic IP Floor Heating Actuator)


An ESP32 based 8 channels motor controller

(Can replace Homematic IP Floor Heating Actuator [HmIP-FALMOT-C12] ~210$ + [CCU3] ~150$)

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The ready to go board costs less than 14$

Functionalities :

  • Can control 8 DC motors or 4 steppers motor
  • Can drive 8 Homematic valve actuators [HmIP-VDMOT] (~15$ each)
  • The card use a ESP32-WROOM-32D as logics and wifi connection. (You can get a 32U if you want an external antenna)
  • The software runs under esphome to be easy to customize and linked with https://www.home-assistant.io
  • Can be extended up to 16 channels (I recommend to get 2 boards for better performances, but the shifts registers can be extended up to 4)
  • Use BEMF (back electromotive force) from motors to get endstops
  • Can be directly linked to external temperature sensors (wifi or BLE)

Fabrication :

  • PCB can be ordered with chips assembled at JLPCB for 5.8$/unit.
  • The 3.3v power can be HKL-5M03 or HKL-PM03 (under 2.75$)
  • ESP32-WROOM-32D costs approx 3.8$
  • Box is 3D printed

New version 1.3 :

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  • Compatible with HKL-5M03 or HKL-PM03
  • Compatible with 1000 or 900 mil ESP32 board width


  • Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC-BY-NC-SA)
  • No commercial use
  • Actually I did not share the PCB source