
Xebia assignment for WriterPad. Write Api for article, associate tags, find tags metrics and check duplicate article.

Primary LanguageJava

Xebia Assingment: WriterPad Article and Tags API

This app is using in-memory H2 DB. So, No extra configuration required.

All api documentation is available on http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html

Build Application :

mvn clean package

Run Application

mvn spring-boot:run or java -jar ./target/writerpad-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

Build Application using docker

Build Docker Image:

docker build -t xebia/writerpad .

Verify Docker Image :

docker images

Run app using docker :

docker run -p 8080:8080 xebia/writerpad:latest

Query to check tag occurrence :

SELECT count(article_id) as occurrence, tags as tag_name FROM ARTICLE_TAGS group by tags

Average human reading is configurable and can be set from application.properties file

article.human_average_read_time=200 // average reading speed is 200 to 250 words a minute