Debezium Outbox Proof of concept
Async service communication based on Outbox pattern using: Kotlin, Kafka, Debezium Kafka Connect, Spring and docker.
Delivery guaranties - transactional persistence and idempotent consumer.
Flexibility - payload has abstract type so it's detalization is configurable.
Low coupling - communication via kafka.
Low performance overhead - the only performance overhead here is writing to outbox table in the same transaction
How it works
Account-service write something to DB and in the same transaction writes to outbox table. This table is listening by Debezium, which transform it's content and write to kafka topic. History-service listen to kafka topic and can aggregate and process events.
Account-service -> Db -> KConnect (Debezium) -> Kafka -> History-service
How to run
To run it you need java 8+, maven and docker. For http calls httpie was used
mvn -f account-service clean install
mvn -f event-service clean install
docker-compose up
After all apps are running register a connector
http PUT http://localhost:8083/connectors/outbox-connector/config < register-postgres.json^C
Add/modify/delete data with
http localhost:8080/fill # add 10 records
http localhost:8080/edit # change all records
http localhost:8080/del # delete all records
View changes in kafdrop (localhost:9000
) and in event-service logs