This project is sort of two-in-one, because it's a demo of some stuff I've been working on lately. Kind of a virtual living room, that you could invite friends to.
- Avatars
- Smooth movement with joysticks. Also, rotation.
- Hand and Mouth Movement
- Grab and Distance Grab
- Hand movement animations for local player
- Synched between users
- Can stream video from any URL
- Cool remote control with play/pause/stop and some built-in videos.
- Keeps score!
- Buttons to reset the puck if you lose it!
- Reset buttons to play a new game.
- Semi-realistic materials!
- Video formats are currently limited to what Android supports out-of-the-box. Mp4 works well. MKV doesn't. It doesn't know what to do with AAC audio.
- Video stream URLs must be HTTPS
- No synch correction for TV if it goes out of sync
- Can't fast-forward or jump on the TV right now.
- The room is currently hard-coded, and thus shared with all users.
- Air Hockey uses non-deterministic physics, so you can hit through the walls if you hit hard enough.
- No colliders set on avatars, so you can walk through walls.