This role adds a tenancy (group of related projects) to an OCP cluster.
Feature: Create OCP tenancy
As a PaaS Operator I want to create an OCP tenancy so that developers can work on a set of related projects
- Scenario: A customer requests a tenancy
- Given: there is a valid service account token
- Given: there is a tenancy name
- Given: there is a list of projects to create
- When: the role is executed
- Then: the requested projects are created
- Then: the projects are labelled as belonging to the tenancy
A list of the external variables used by the role.
Variable | Description | Example | Default |
tenancy | The name of the new tenancy | mytenancy | (none) |
projects | List of inital projects | proj1,proj2,proj3 | dev,test,prod |
ocp_token | Token for a serviceaccount with permission to create projects | (none) | |
ocp_uri | URI for the cluster API | https://localhost:8443/ |
The role can be tested using a simple playbook as follows:
- hosts: masters[0]
name: Testing ocp_create_tenancy
- ocp_create_tenancy
- tenancy: mytenancy
- ocp_token: eyJhbGciOiJSU...
- projects:
- project1
- project2
- project3