
Template for a simple dynamic analysis exercise involving fault tolerance

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

This is a template for a simple fault tolerance and isolation project based on LLVM. The project involves instrumenting an LLVM module in order to produce a new program with varying policies and strategies for fault tolerance.

After completing this project, a student should have a better understanding of the workflow involved with dynamic analysis as well as common techniques including instrumentation, runtime support libraries, and shadow memory.

Building with CMake

  1. Clone the demo repository.

     git clone http://github.com/nsumner/se-fault-tolerant-template.git
  2. Create a new directory for building.

     mkdir tolerantbuild
  3. Change into the new directory.

     cd tolerantbuild
  4. Run CMake with the path to the LLVM source.

         -DLLVM_DIR=</path/to/LLVM/build>/lib/cmake/llvm/ ../se-fault-tolerant-template
  5. Run make inside the build directory:


This produces a tolerator tool called bin/tolerator and supporting libraries in lib/.

Note, building with a tool like ninja can be done by adding -G Ninja to the cmake invocation and running ninja instead of make.


First suppose that you have a program compiled to bitcode:

clang -g -c -emit-llvm simpletest.c -o simple.bc

Running tolerator with the "log and quit" policy:

bin/tolerator -log simple.bc -o simple

Running the resulting instrumented program:
