
A plagiarism checker built as part of Information Retreival assignment

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Plagiarism Checker

This project implements a plagiarism checker using Python3.


The project uses the Vector Space model along with tf-idf to generate a score for each document, and accordingly pass it through a checker which returns uniqueness of each document and assigns a plagiarism level, based on the number of matching sentences and words. Preference is given to sentences.


Python3 along with nltk library is required to run this program.

Structure of project

data_processing.py : Access the corpus-original folder and processes the documents and generates the tf-idf score for every (term,document) pair.

vector_space.py : Implements the vector space model and calculates the cosine score for every document in the corpus.

checker.py : Calculates uniqueness and assigns plagiarism level to every document.

corpus-original : Folder that contains the corpus for the project.

data.txt : The picked dictionary containing the term frequencies for every document.

tfidf.txt : The picked dictionary containing the tfidf scores.


Run this in your project folder.

$ python data_processing.py
$ python vector_space.py

Built With

The project uses

  • Python3
  • NLTK


Chandrahas Aroori [https://github.com/Exorust] Naren Surampudi [https://github.com/nsurampu] Aditya Srikanth [https://github.com/aditya-srikanth]


We'd like to thank our Information Retrieval instructor to give us this opportunity to make such a project.