This is the code of Minecraft Wii U IP Sniffer, a software, a RTM tool for sniff players IP in Minecraft Wii U and have other informations.
As this software is very powerful (with an IP you can do a lot of things and I'm afraid it will destroy the Minecraft Wii U community), I had put a password for the code of the main form and for the software.
I deleted the password on 01/09/2022 following the arrival of Trinity V3 which also contained an IP Grabber/Sniffer.
I hope you will understand my choice...
If you want to know, the password was "Minecraft Wii U IP Sniffer" converted to hexadecimal and then to IP address.
Here is the final password :
This is a beta so it contains many bugs, names sometimes have placement problems but IP addresses are normally well placed.
Here is a picture to show what the software looks like and to show its power (I removed my IP address from the image but I left the other players IP addresses, I'm sorry I put their ip address here but I needed an example) :
You can compile this with Microsoft Visual Studio or with other development software in C#.
nt games for making the software.
Wii Plaza for making GeckoU.
Alts001 for making the players informations (name and coordinates) code.
Katope for making the IP address sniffer code.