This is my example code for the STM32F0 Discovery using the RTOS ChibiOS.
Based on, and
- Chibios 2.5.0+ (or a recent development snapshot)
- arm toolchain (e.g. arm-none-eabi from summon-arm)
- background blinker thread
- The client configures the nRF24l01 into Shockburst mode.
- nRF24l01 receives a payload form a server.
- edit the Makefile and point "CHIBIOS = ../../chibios" to your ChibiOS folder
- make
- connect the STM32F0 Discovery with TTL/RS232 adapter, PA2(TX) and PA3(RX) are routed to USART2 38400-8-N-1.
- connect nRF24l01 to portB 12-15 pins (
- flash the STM32F0
- use your favorite terminal programm to connect to the Serial Port 38400-8n1