
Maths stuff, including cryptographic attacks implementations, and others useful algorithms

Primary LanguagePython


Build Statuscodecov

This repository contain some mathematicals implementations :

The repo now contain the following dir/files :


  1. lib/*.py : Contains various functions

  2. Primality.py: Contains primality stuff

    • fermat_witness(n) Check if n is composite, if yes, then return a fermat_witness (see this article)
    • miller_rabin_primtest(n,k) Miller-Rabin primality test
    • prime_in_range(a,b) Find a prime number in a given range (a --> b)
    • is_prime(number) Check if 'number' is prime
    • getprime(nbits) Generate a prime number that can be stored in 'nbits' bits.
    • safe_prime(a,b) Find a safe prime number in a given range [a; b[
    • eratosthene() Yields the sequence of prime numbers via the Sieve of Eratosthene
    • sumPrimes(n) Return the sum of the first n primes
    • chinese_remainder(n, a) : Chinese remainder theorem
    • isCircularPrime(n) Return true if n is a circular prime
    • rsa_attack_small_primes(pathpubkey, outputname) Crack a RSA private key if one of n factor is < 1e9
    • rsa_pollard_attack(pathpubkey, outputname) Crack a RSA private key if one of n factor is < 1e14
  3. Arithmetic.py.py: Contains arithmetic stuff

    • gcd(p, q) Return the greatest common divisor of p and q
    • extd_pgcd(a, b) Compute extended gcd of two integers (Extended Euclidean algorithm)
    • linear_congruence(a, b, n) Resolve linear congruence equations
    • fib(n) Return the nth-digit Fibonacci number
    • recfibo(n) Return the nth-digit Fibonacci number (recursive way)


  1. Primality.ml: Contains primality stuff


  1. Primality.c: Contains primality stuff


  1. Primality.exs: Contains primality stuff

    • PrimeFinder(n) Return the n-th prime number
  2. Number.exs: Contains primality stuff

    • pandigital_product() Sum all products whose multiplicand/multiplier/product identity can be written as a 1...9 pandigital.

    TODO : Add links lol