
MeteorJS Application that makes URL longer

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A meteor application that makes URL longer.


  meteor test --driver-package practicalmeteor:mocha


Run locally

  • Dependencies: node, meteor
  1. Install the packages
  npm install
  1. Run the meteor application
  meteor --settings settings-dev.json

Run on server

  • Dependencies: node, meteor, mongo
  1. Build the meteor application. This will output a file named urlongr.tar.gz. You may change the output path.
meteor build --architecture=os.linux.x86_64 .
  1. Extract the output file urlongr.tar.gz. It will extract a directory called bundle
  tar -zxvf urlongr.tar.gz
  1. Go to the bundle's server directory
  cd /bundle/programs/server
  1. Install the packages
  npm install
  1. Setup Environment variables for meteor. Check Meteor Docs
    METEOR_SETTINGS='{"DEFAULT_URL_LENGTH": 4000,"DEFAULT_DOMAIN": "test.urlongr.com"}'
  1. Run the application
  node /bundle/main.js

Run on Docker

  • Dependencies: node, meteor, docker
  1. Build the meteor application. This will output a file named urlongr.tar.gz
meteor build --architecture=os.linux.x86_64 .
  1. Extract the output file urlongr.tar.gz. It will extract a directory called bundle
  tar -zxvf urlongr.tar.gz
  1. Update docker-compose.yml with the your volume paths and environment variables.
  2. Run the container
  docker-compose up