
Various settings for vim

Primary LanguageShell

Vim - setup and install

This is my personal .vimrc as well as an install script to get you up and going on a new system. I am using pathogen to manage all the plugins. The install script with fetch each plugin and install it into ~/.vim/bundles which pathogen with then add to your vim runtime files.

###Fonts The Linux fonts rely on the Inconsolata font which can be downloaded from the link below If you are running Fedora you can install the Inconsolata fonts with yum.


Below is a brief description of each plugin and how they are configured in my vimrc. Unless otherwise specified the default key bindings for each plugin are used. Check the link to the plugin repository for more information on plugin features and any key bindings that the plugin may use.


Allows you to use the [Tab] key for symbol completion. This is bound to omnicomplete, by pressing [Tab] [Tab] while typing a symbol omnicomplete will be called to complete the symbol.


TComment works like a toggle, i.e., it will comment out text that contains uncommented lines, and it will remove comment markup for already commented text.


The tabbar plugin allows you to view all of the symbols in a given file. This plugin has been mapped to F4


Automatically insert doxygen comments into a file.


My personal preference for a nice looking color scheme.


Allows quick access to all the files in a given project. This plugin has been mapped to Control-P


Gives a nice status line and integrates with tagbar to show what function you are currently in.


Highlights errors in your code. Hooks into a languages linter so every time you save any errors will be highlighted. Additionally you can use :Error to bring up a list of all errors in the file


Integrates with vim-airline to give info on the git current working branch and other lots of cool features


Nice file browser integration. NERDTreeToggle has been mapped to F5