
I'll clean this up someday

Primary LanguageVim Script

Installation instructions

  1. Review config files for absolute paths that need to be modified
  2. Install homebrew
  3. Install npm
  4. Run ./setup.sh to copy dotfiles to home directory
  5. Set up iTerm2 colors
  6. Download https://raw.githubusercontent.com/chriskempson/base16-iterm2/master/base16-eighties.dark.itermcolors
  7. Import theme to current iTerm2 profile
  8. Set up iTerm2 fonts
  9. Install https://github.com/powerline/fonts#quick-installation
  10. Set font in current iTerm2 profile to "Roboto Mono for Powerline" / Regular / 14
  11. Run :PluginInstall inside nvim