
opinion based mono repo for shared libraries

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


my opinion based mono repo for shared libraries i only wanted to build stanalone liberies, run tests and publish without any fancy stuff.

How to start?

after using this template firts change root package.json name (@monaorepo) property to your Scope

to genrate liberaries run npm i in the root directory then run npm run generate to genrate the liberaries need to pass 2 arguments to the script

  1. liberary name [string]
  2. liberary type [nest | basic]

the liberary name genrate from : <scope>/<type>-<name>

scope: root package.json name field and @ prefix

for example : npm run genreate nest http-client this will create a new libery template with the name @monaorepo/nest-http-client

How to publish libery:

go to your package dir :

  • make some changes
  • write unit tests
  • commit your changes
  • run npm version command for example: npm version patch
  • npm build
  • npm publish

File Structure:


will genrate a nestjs liberary with this file sturcture

├── package.json
├── tsconfig.json
├── src                   
│   ├── index.ts         
│   ├── template.module.ts        
│   ├── template.service.ts        
│   └── template.service.spec.ts              
└── ...

the template already setup with jest test runner and package.json with the following scripts

"build": "nest build",          #(build liberary)
"test": "jest",                 #(run tests)
"test:watch": "jest --watch",   #(hot reload for tests)
"test:cov": "jest --coverage"   #(test coverage)


will genrate a basic liberary with this file sturcture

├── package.json
├── tsconfig.json
├── src
│   ├── index.ts
│   └── template.ts
└── ...


this template already setup with github actions for CI the workflow will run on every push to master branch and will run the following steps:

  1. checkout
  2. setup node
  3. install dependencies
  4. run tests
  5. build liberary

commit -> Job 1 which packages changed: [kafka1 mysql2]