
A simple AWS demo utilises Amazon Transcribe to convert audio to text and analyse.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

AWS Transcribe demo

A simple AWS demo utilizes Amazon Transcribe to convert audio to text and do analyze. Demo site

Please consider to sponsor this project for the AWS expenses.

Deploy to your own AWS

  • Setup AWS CLI and credential configuration (aws configure).
  • Run yarn to install all dependencies.
  • Run yarn build to build both front end and back end.
  • Run yarn bootstrap to initialize AWS CDK deployment.
  • Run yarn deploy to do the actual deployment.

If the deployment is successful, the cloudfront URL will be displayed in the output like:

AwsTranscribeDemoStack.CloudFrontURL = xxx.cloudfront.net

CI/CD with Github Actions

  • Sign up Github Actions as a beta user.
  • Save your AWS credential and region in Github repo's secret ([YOUR_REPO_URL]/settings/secrets)
    • AWS_DEFAULT_REGION: region name
  • Every push will trigger a build/deploy to AWS, check your repo's "Actions" tab for details.

Behind the scenes

  • Static website built by React and hosted on S3.
  • Upload audio file via website (click upload button):
    • Call GetToken Lambda function via API gateway to get pre-signed URL for Audio File bucket.
    • Use S3 JS SDK to upload audio file directly to S3 with the pre-signed URL returned above.
      • Newly uploaded audio file will trigger NewAudio Lambda function which will:
        • Create a record in DynamoDB
        • Publish the record ID to NewAudio Topic in SNS
        • SNS will trigger TranscribeAudio Lambda function to submit audio transcription job via Amazon Transcribe service API
  • Check audio transcription status via website (click search button):
    • Call GetAudios Lambda function via API gateway to get transcription status
      • After getting record ID from DB, check the corresponding transcription job via Amazon Transcribe service API.
      • If the job is ready, update the result URL to DB and return it to frontend.
      • If the job is still processing, do nothing.