
Vim integration for the Elixir Freedom Formatter.

Primary LanguageVim ScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Deprecated: please don't use this

Use something sensible like coc-elixir to get vim to autoformat your elixir


Instead of using the built in Elixir formatter (mix format), this calls the Elixir Freedom Formatter.

Otherwise operates exactly the same (and has the same :MixFormat interface) as the project this is forked off of vim-mix-format.



Use your favorite plugin manager, e.g. vim-plug:

Plug 'ntenczar/vim-mix-fformat'


  • To format the current file, use :MixFormat. Use :verb MixFormat to see the exact shell command used.

  • The formatter is not perfect yet, so :MixFormatDiff will open a diff window that can be used for previewing the changes or picking only those that seem reasonable.

    dp pushes changes from the diff window to the source file. q closes the diff window. ]c and [c jump between the changes.

    If you're not used to Vim's diff mode, watch this screencast.


  • Automatically format on saving.

    let g:mix_format_on_save = 1
  • Set options for the formatter. See mix help format in the shell.

    let g:mix_format_options = '--check-equivalent'
  • By default this plugin opens a window containing the stacktrace on errors. With this option enabled, there will be just a short message in the command-line bar. The stacktrace can still be looked up via :messages.

    let g:mix_format_silent_errors = 1
  • If you're not using Elixir 1.6 in your project, but want to use the formatter anyway, you can specify the bin directory of an alternative Elixir installation:

    let g:mix_format_elixir_bin_path = '~/repo/elixir/bin'


When using :MixFormatDiff, a new diff window will be opened and an user event is emitted. It can be used to set different settings or switch back to the source window:

autocmd User MixFormatDiff wincmd p


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