
🌐 Build. Share. Learn. 🗓 July 28 - August 3 2018

BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

nteract global sprint

Let's come together to collaborate, build connections, and impact interactive computing for the long term. Along the way, we'll learn from each other and foster a great community. 😊

This year, we're going global. 🌐 Our primary location will be in Los Gatos, CA. To make it easier for others to join, we encourage people to create satellite groups. Let Kyle or Sarah know in an issue if you want to run a local sprint. We're prepping materials now to help make it easier and will hopefully have more detail soon.

Who can come?

👥 You and others! Invite kind colleagues and companions that you'd like to collaborate with.

When is it?

We'll start with relaxed weekend pre-sprints to accommodate those that can only do the weekend, followed by our more formal sprint. 🕐

  • Pre-sprint: July 28, 2018 - July 29, 2018
  • Formal Sprint: July 30, 2018 - August 3, 2018

You can pick and choose which days you wish to attend, don't feel bad if you need to attend to something else or leave early. You're welcome here and we understand you have other commitments.

Where is it?

Primary: 🎥 Netflix Headquarters in Los Gatos, CA. Building F. Ping us on Slack to let us know when you arrive, and we'll let you in!

Satellites: 🛰 None yet! Feel free to submit yours in an issue or PR.

How do I sign up?!


For the Los Gatos location, please get a (free) ticket via Eventbrite. We need a headcount for accomodations and appreciate an early RSVP.

If you sign up before July 1st, you will receive a totally sweet sticker during the sprints.

How can I help?

Plan out the projects you want to work on and spread the word. 🗣

You can also assist with the sprint planning itself through this repository. Feel free to get involved. You are welcome to join!

Not sure how you can help and know that you want to? ✋ Respond to an issue that looks of interest or open a new one. We're happy to guide. You can also post a message to #global-sprint on the nteract slack.

What should I work on?

You're free to pick whatever you want to work on within the Jupyter ecosystem and surrounding tools to help improve compute.

Not sure what to work on? 🤷‍♀️ We'll be making a list of projects with project leads.

Need help on a project?‍ You can lead a project! We'll make guidelines to help project leads soon.