
Graphic design portfolio for Gage Salzano

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Installation / updates

  1. yarn to install Node modules
  2. yarn install-gems to install Ruby gems

How to edit projects

Projects are Markdown files in the _projects directory. Filename doesn't matter.

Front Matter

Options defined at the top of each post

  • title (required)
  • featured_image (required)
  • categories: Options: digital, branding, print. This is how the homepage filter decides what to display. Can add more than one category -- see how it is done in other posts
  • date: you can rearrange the order of posts on the homepage by changing the date.
  • style: inline style for the featured image
  • dark_title: if you want the post title to be dark on the homepage, add dark_title: true
  • published: add published: false for drafts

{{ slide }} tags

  • Put this line at the beginning of each project: {% assign slide = site.data.slide %}
  • The {{slide['...']}} tags wrap what will be considered a "slide" on small screens. In place of the ellipsis, if you write startmobile, the contents are only seen on small widths, startdesktop is seen only on wider screens, and start is seen on both. end is a closing tag.


  • All images should be wrapped with <div> tags
  • I use images that are about 2x what they will be displayed at, because Retina screens are 2x


  • img.full-height: only effects mini view. It will make the image full screen, Twitter Moments style
  • img.full-width: only effects big view and makes images full-width.
  • If you try to use both .full-height and .full-width on the same image, something bad happens
  • p.bg: give this class to any paragraph that exists in the same slide as a .full-height image. It adds the gradient background and some other style rules.
  • p.bg-dark: bg variant that renders dark text without a gradient background
  • div.row: For big view, if you want to put multiple images in a row (side-by-side), wrap images (which themselves are wrapped in <div> tags as usual) in a <div class='row'>.
  • div.column: For stacking images on top of each other if they are in a .row
  • Putting <!-- --> between images that are in a row eliminates white-space between the elements