
Obtain token and reset password via SMS

Primary LanguageJava


To install the SMS Authenticator one has to:

  • Build and package the project:

    • $ mvn package
  • Add the jar to the Keycloak server:

    • $ cp target/keycloak-phone-authenticator-*.jar _KEYCLOAK_HOME_/providers/

Reset credentials with phone



Phone theme


To enable this you need to Select phone theme on the "Realm Settings > Themes" as below:


Build into keycloak

An example shows how to build into keycloak using docker


This needs an SMS implementation to enable sending verification codes. There are some implementations below:

Or you can implement your own SPIs.

Once you add an SMS SPI implementation, you can request a verification code with

curl -X POST \$YOUR_REALM/verification_codes/ \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -d '{
	"phoneNumber": $PHONE_NUMBER

And then use Verification Code authentication flow with the code to obtain an access code.

curl -X POST \
  http://localhost:8081/auth/realms/$YOUR_REALM/protocol/openid-connect/token \
  -H 'authorization: Basic c2h1bmRhby1hZG1pbjoxODc3MGYxMi02NjE4LTQwOTctYThmYi1kMjA0Mzg0Mzg4OTk=' \
  -H 'content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
  -d 'grant_type=password&phone_number=$PHONE_NUMBER&code=$VERIFICATION_CODE'


Configure your REALM to use the phone number and verification code Authentication. First create a new REALM (or select a previously created REALM).

Under Authentication > Flows:

  • Copy the 'Direct Grant' flow to 'Direct grant with phone' flow
  • Click on 'Actions > Add execution' on the 'Provide Phone Number' line
  • Click on 'Actions > Add execution' on the 'Provide Verification Code' line
  • Set both of 'Provide Phone Number' and 'Provide Verification Code' to 'REQUIRED'