A decentralized, encrypted document signing tool where you own and control your own documents, contracts and data. It is built on Blockstack
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Get this error again and cant login
#86 opened by MedBTG - 0
website certificate has expired
#105 opened by JKancel - 0
Can't View PDF
#100 opened by ideal-living - 0
- 0
Printing the PDF only for the first page
#95 opened by dickvangelder - 0
Verified signatures
#94 opened by dickvangelder - 0
show timestamp of document in the app
#92 opened by ntheile - 1
Error on login
#91 opened by jimblue - 0
Global HTTP 500 error handler
#90 opened by ntheile - 0
- 0
if not logged in then force login - hide UI
#88 opened by ntheile - 0
on email page list who you sent the email to and the status if they clicked the link
#87 opened by ntheile - 0
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Cant login issue below after I click approve
#81 opened by MedBTG - 0
track document state better for activity feed
#85 opened by ntheile - 0
[New Feature] Radiks integration for sharing document with blockstack users by blockstack.id
#84 opened by ntheile - 1
blockstack.db.js lib
#71 opened by ntheile - 0
add https://tippin.me/ for lightning network tips
#82 opened by ntheile - 1
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"The Blockusign Virtual Side Chain" document verification on the blockchain (blockstack subdomains, zonefiles, bitcoin anchor hashes and digital signatures)
#58 opened by ntheile - 0
pictures of the team on the home page
#59 opened by ntheile - 1
Error going to signup page - screenshot attached
#80 opened by wileyj - 0
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Doesnt seen to read my blockstack id. I get nothing in read/write approve box, says no ids
#78 opened by MedBTG - 0
IPFS Integrations
#72 opened by ntheile - 0
global user preference settings
#69 opened by ntheile - 0
asymmetric doc send via blockstack id
#68 opened by ntheile - 2
create a better schema for app integrations using linked data concepts- rdf and json-ld
#67 opened by ntheile - 0
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speed up the app
#65 opened by ntheile - 0
context menu for documents - links
#64 opened by ntheile - 2
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deploy subdomain-registrar server to azure (paas maybe) - change batchDelay to 12 hours (for now)
#61 opened by ntheile - 4
graphite integration
#62 opened by ntheile - 0
research how blockusign would work in an on-premise enterprise environment. Local Gaia bucket behind a firewall, running your own subdomain registrar and only a minimal firewall open to communicate to the public blockchain
#60 opened by ntheile - 0
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flur.ee db driver research
#47 opened by ntheile - 0
research GPG for signing github code - https://help.github.com/articles/managing-commit-signature-verification/
#57 opened by ntheile - 0
record hash to flur.ee
#49 opened by ntheile - 0
mobile print bug - signatures svg not aligned
#55 opened by ntheile - 0
Don't do auto focus on mobile
#45 opened by ntheile - 0
Instead of number on steps use icons
#50 opened by ntheile - 1
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fix manifest icon for blockstack login
#52 opened by ntheile - 0
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javascript SDK for developer integration
#48 opened by ntheile - 0
setup azure pipelines for ci/cd
#46 opened by ntheile - 0
proof of signature block explorer
#42 opened by ntheile - 1
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symmetric key on first doc share with new user who does not already have an account, then delete and convert to asymmetric with pub key to be more secure (think about M of N parties)
#40 opened by ntheile