React Sandbox

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.

Tech Stack

  • ReactJS
  • NodeJS

Available Script Commands

  • yarn start: Start development server with live reloading.
  • yarn build: Bundle and minify JavaScript files into production ready package.
  • yarn test: Execute unit tests.
  • yarn lint: Run code linter (uses eslint and prettier). Use yarn lint --fix to automatically fix linting errors where possible.

Comments on the not so obvious

You may have noticed the small little .env file in the folder structure of the application and are wondering why it is there. The reason is simple, React has set up the Webpack config to look for .env files and read the NODE_PATH environment variable for absolute imports.

So now instead of using import App from '../../../App' we can use import App from '/App' (assuming the App component is in the root of the src/ folder).

Refer to this article for more info.