
mini ray tracing project

Primary LanguageC



miniRT is a graphic prooject at 42 School. The aim is to realize a more or less simple ray tracer, with the following obligations :

  • Draw some forms : sphere, cylinder, cone
  • Materialize light : ambient, shadow and phong model
  • Create some textures : chess and bitmap

BONUS features (outside of the project) :

  • Anti-aliasing
  • Map generator
  • Turning earth generator

How to use it ?




make and ./miniRT map1 map2 map3 map4 etc.

Like ./miniRT input/classic.rt. The rendering of map1 will be replaced by map2 as soon as it is rendered. Rendering time will appear in the terminal.

All maps are stored in input directory.

Some of them have anti-aliasing. Just look for the line with anti-aliasing and add '-' in front of it to avoid it. Ex : -anti-aliasing 10


Easy stuff - BOULES.rt : image

Inside Cylinder - in_cylinder.rt : image

Playing with colored lights - colored_lights.rt : image

Adding chess texture - classic.rt: image

Spheres - input_long/spheres.rt : image

Cylinder - input_long/cylinders2.rt : image

Cyliner (without ambient light) - input_long/cylinerders.rt : image

ft_earth : image image image image

Main topics learned in this project

  • Library MLX (MiniLibX) : Graphical windows, images and hooks among other things. Deeper knowledge than for fdf.

  • Maths : vectors, matrixes, transformation

  • Rays : intersections, normal to the intersections

  • Light and shading : Reflection, phong models, shadows

  • Parsing: Still some parsing to do, but not so difficult

  • Optimization : Rendering is long, the more complex the projet (reflexion, refraction, scenes, etc.) the longer it takes to render.

Useful links to realize this project

The Ray Tracer Challenge - Jamis Buck

3D rendering : https://www.kmjn.org/notes/3d_rendering_intro.html

Download the good MLX : https://github.com/42Paris/minilibx-linux/blob/master/mlx.h

3D Rendering : https://www.scratchapixel.com/

Rotation matrix : https://gist.github.com/kevinmoran/b45980723e53edeb8a5a43c49f134724