
TypeScript's type definitions for Ramda

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Type definitions for Ramda

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Typing compatible with ramda version 0.23.0.

Note: many of the functions in Ramda are still hard to properly type in Ramda, with issues mainly centered around partial application, currying, and composition, especially so in the presence of generics. And yes, those are probably why you'd be using Ramda in the first place, making these issues particularly problematic to type Ramda for TypeScript. A few links to issues at TS can be found below.


Install the typings for node using:

npm install types/npm-ramda --saveDev

If you use the package through a script tag, install with the --global flag instead.


# check using `typings-checker` (recommended):
npm run types

# compile errors only (doesn't prevent `any`, and can give false positives for bits that should error):
npm test
# without npm (useful on Windows):
node ./node_modules/typescript/bin/tsc --lib es2015 --module commonjs tests/test.ts --noEmit


Why are the typings here not carbon copies of the ones in the Ramda docs?

  • There are some differences, among which TypeScript's syntax, though the goal differs here as well: while the Ramda docs aim to explain the functions, the goal here is to accurately infer types within TypeScript.

Note on placeholders

Due to incompatiblity problems with typescript's typing system, Ramda's placeholder typing is removed. For binary functions the same functionally can be achieved using R.flip. For example:

// using a placeholder ...
R.subtract(R.__, 3);
// ... is the same as

In Ramda almost all functions are curried. TypeScript does not natively support currying, so in cases where we've omitted a combination this might break. Example of a potential gap:

R.insert(2, 'x', [1,2,3,4])
R.insert(2)('x', [1,2,3,4])
R.insert(2, 'x')([1,2,3,4])
R.insert(2)('x')([1,2,3,4]) // => type error!


Pull requests are welcome! If you'd like to help out, two good places to start are the issues as well as the failed tests.

Do note that quite some of the typings are now being generated (manually) using the scripts, as the typings are gradually getting out of hand to manually defined in the typings file.


High-level to-do to address recurring issues:

  • pipe / compose:
  • tuple map:
  • fix curry type degeneration with generics
  • genCurried: track generics' dependencies
  • consider dts-dom as a codegen alternative