TO DOWNLOAD FINAL PDF WRITEUP: --------------------------------------------------------------- - FINAL PROJECT: POETWRITER - --------------------------------------------------------------- - Mathieu Rolfo, Shalom Rottman-Yang, Nathan Tindall - - CS221 Autumn 2014 - - Stanford University - - Prof Percy Liang - - TA Aparna Krishnan - - - - 12 December 2014 - --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- - CONTENTS - --------------------------------------------------------------- * INTRODUCTION * USAGE * EXAMPLE * FILES * ALGORITHMIC APPROACH * DATA --------------------------------------------------------------- - INTRODUCTION - --------------------------------------------------------------- Our task for this project was to design a framework for poetry generation that allows a human to give a corpus as input and specify formal constraints, and have our intelligent creation generate novel, semantically meaningful poetry meeting those constraints. Our algorithm has special optimizations for the corpora of rap artists in an attempt to generate rap-styled poetry; however, the general case of the problem is one of poetic generation. In this project, our constraints are on the syllable counts within lines and the rhyming patterns between lines. --------------------------------------------------------------- - USAGE - --------------------------------------------------------------- The algorithm can be invoked by running, with the following flags: * (-n), default 1 Order of the n gram model * (-f), default "whitman.txt" Corpus file, used to train the language model. * (-o), default 3 The number of poems to output * (-l), default 1 The phrase length (number of lines that the n-gram wraps around before reseeding). * (-s) The type of corpus, in order to facilitate corpus cleanup * (-p), default true Whether the model is probabalistic when selecting actions (if not selected, chooses more frequent seeds first * (-b), default 3 The number of initial seeds to try before backtracking (when the grammar is reseeded) * (-r) The number of children seeds to try before backtracking, selects the r most frequent children or the first r children randomly selected (if probabilistic). * (-t), default quad The type of poetry to output (options: sonnet, haiku, eight, octave, quad) * (-v), default 0 The verbosity of the program. A value of 1 or higher lets you watch the algorithm's search process. --------------------------------------------------------------- - EXAMPLE - --------------------------------------------------------------- # python -n 2 -f lyrics/eminem.txt -o 4 # python -f corpora/shakespeare.txt -n 2 -o 1 -s rap -l 2 -b 10 -t octave -r 3 -p 1 # python -f corpora/shakespeare.txt -n 2 -o 2 -l 2 -b 10 -t eight -r 3 -p 1 -v 1 # python -f corpora/chance.txt -n 2 -o 5 -l 2 -b 10 -t eight -r 3 -p 1 -v 1 --------------------------------------------------------------- - FILES - --------------------------------------------------------------- Algorithmic baseline * Trains language model with user specified corpus (-f), number of poems generated (-o), and model order (-n). * Formed algorithmic backbone and framework on which to improve * Archaic Main execution * Run from command line to generate poetry, parses command line to orient hyperparameters of algorithm as specified by the user * See "Usage" below for invocation * Instantiates a corpus and runs n gram analysis * Determines parameters of the poetry object * Instantiates a grammar (language model) based upon the corpus * Runs search algorithm * Prints statistics Corpus and Grammar Classes * The Corpus class performs n gram analysis, generating a frequency map, a word map, and a beginning word map. * The Grammar class is instantiated from the data structures of the Corpus model, and is general enough to work in a non search oriented implementation. new_word_data.p: Dictionary * Generated using the Moby Pronunciation Dictionary and Moby Part of Speech Dictionary, the largest public domain dictionaries of their kinds with over 100,000 entries. * Our heuristic for syllable count is the number of unstressed vowels. * Our heuristic for rhyming is the last vowel in the word and any trailing consonants * Keys: words in plaintext * Values: (IPA Transcription, IPA Suffix, Number of Syllables, Part of Speech, isNotPrepOrArticle) Poetry and Line Classes * Poetry class is comprised of Line classes. Evaluation returns true when all inter- and intra-line constraints have been satisfied. * Line class stores a list of the current words in the line, the current syllable count, and inter-line constraints it received or needs to propagate (which lines it must rhyme with) rap_genius_scraper.rb: A scraper for * Used to aggregate rap corpora * Takes two command line arguments: the song id of the desired artists' song, and the name of the output file. Search Algorithms * Houses UCS and DFS implementations * DFS code tweaked to return as soon as solution is found, rather than searching all paths to find the best solution based upon some cost. Utility functions * clean(string): Used to strip down corpus of a-zA-Z0-9 chars * weightedRandomChoice(weightDict): Chooses item from a pool * isNoun(word): Returns True if word is a noun (accessess pickle dict) * isNotPrepOrArticle(word): Returns True if word is not prep or article (acesses pickle dict) * numSyllables(ipa_reading): Returns the number of syllables in an IPA Unicode String * getSyllables(word): Returns the number of syllables in a word (acesses pickle dict) * rhymeVowel(ipa_reading): Algorithm for determining IPA suffix * rhyme(word1, word2): returns True if two words rhyme, acesses IPA dictionary * Loads the pickle dictionary when imported --------------------------------------------------------------- - ALGORITHMIC APPROACH - --------------------------------------------------------------- Our algorithm uses depth first search in order to solve the constraints of the poetry object. We have defined the search problem in the following manner: * startState: (current poem state, current seed) * isGoal(state): state[0] is a completed poem * succAndCost(state): performs search over the language model by iteratively re-seeding corpus in an attempt to satisfy the Poetry class. Words are added to lines, and paths dis- carded if they break the constraints of the model. --------------------------------------------------------------- - Data - --------------------------------------------------------------- eliot.txt * n=1: Mean time = 91.66s; Median time = 66.84s; Mean states = 4773.75; Median states = 3547.5; Completion rate = 100%; Semantic score = 1.35 * n=2: Mean time = 0.21s; Median time = .18s; Mean states = 163.05; Median states = 111.5; Completion rate = 0%; Semantic score = N/A * n=3: Mean time = 0.09s; Median time = 0.09s; Mean states = 16.5; Median states = 16; Completion rate = 0%; Semantic score = N/A whitman.txt * n=1: Mean time = 1352.69s; Median time = 165.73s; Mean states = 4959; Median states = 532; Completion rate = 100%; Semantic score = 1.66 * n=2: Mean time = 18.203s; Median time = 12.101; Mean states = 1705.6; Median states = 1184; Completion rate = 100%; Semantic score = 2.45 * n=3: Mean time = 1.548s; Median time = 1.415s; Mean states = 80.2; Median states = 60.5; Completion rate = 0%; Semantic score = N/A shakespeare.txt * n=1: Mean time = 6480s; Median time = 6480s; Mean states = 9333.80; Median states = 397; Completion rate = 100%; Semantic score = 1.20 (Only five poems generated after 9 hour run time; only these data points reported) * n=2: Mean time = 81.918s; Median time = 30.761s; Mean states = 3784; Median states = 1305.05; Completion rate = 100%; Semantic score = 2.18 * n=3: Mean time = 14.96s; Median time = 13.66s; Mean states = 1220.90; Median states = 1023; Completion rate = 45%; Semantic score = 3.22