
Scripts used to analyze the data from Fabien Pierrel's delta-cox12 project

Primary LanguagePerlGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

This repository contains code developed for the bioinformatics analyses underlying our manuscript provisionally entitled:
The PSI+ prion and HSP104 modulate the cytochrome c oxidase deficiency caused by deletion of COX12
by Pawan Kumar Saini, Hannah Dawitz, Andreas Aufschnaiter, Jinsu Thomas, Amélie Amblard, James Stewart, Nicolas Thierry-Mieg, Martin Ott and Fabien Pierrel.

The scripts below are listed in execution order: each script takes as input the output of the previous one.

Align the reads from each sample on reference genome(s), convert output from SAM to BAM and sort the BAMs on-the-fly, then index them.

Call variants with GATK HaplotypeCaller, producing a GVCF for each sample.

Produce a single multi-sample GVCF per reference genome, usage example:
mergeGVCFs.pl ../CallVariants/*VEP.g.vcf > merged_ensembl.g.vcf 2> merged_ensembl.log

Parse a merged GVCF, produce a VCF where non-informative lines and ALTs are removed and genotypes are called, example usage:
gvcf2vcf.pl < ../MergeGVCFs/merged_ensembl.g.vcf  > mergedVCF_ensembl.vcf 2> mergedVCF_ensembl.log

Find good candidates in the previous VCF, taking into account our knowledge of the various strains sequenced.
# Good candidates for each strain (strict, ie don't allow NOCALLs)
filterVCF.pl --strain 1 --zero 0,1,3,5,6,7 --one 2,4  < ../GVCF2VCF/mergedVCF_ensembl.vcf > goodCandidates_ensembl_strain1_strict.vcf
filterVCF.pl --strain 2 --zero 0,1,2,4,5,7 --one 3,6  < ../GVCF2VCF/mergedVCF_ensembl.vcf > goodCandidates_ensembl_strain2_strict.vcf
# Good candidates for strain 1 (allow NOCALLs, need at least one true 0/0 and 1/1)
./filterVCF.pl --strain 1 --nocalls --zero 0,1,3,5,6,7 --one 2,4  < ../GVCF2VCF/mergedVCF_ensembl.vcf > goodCandidates_ensembl_strain1_allowNocalls.vcf
