
A shiny dashboard for exploring responses to the 2017 Kaggle Machine Learning and Data Science Survey through association rule learning

Primary LanguageR

Association Rule Learning: Exploring the 2017 Kaggle Machine Learning and Data Science Survey through a Shiny App

In 2017, Kaggle conducted an industry-wide survey to gain a comprehensive understanding of the data science and machine learning job landscape. Over 16,000 data scientists, students and professionals working in related fields answered the survey. The following Shiny dashboard interactively visualizes interesting sets of relations between survey responses to different questions. These sets were mined via association rule learning.

The updated shiny dashboard can be accessed by following this link:


A previous version can be accessed on the Shiny apps server by following this link:


The app is built incorporating algorithms and visualizations powered by the arules and arulesViz libraries.

The updated version of the app largely features changes to the UI, with the app being migrated to shinydashboard for a cleaner user interaction and a larger visualization, with an information button that details the purpose and use of the app.

Overview of the Dataset

The 2017 Kaggle Machine Learning & Data Science Survey can be accessed on Kaggle (https://www.kaggle.com/kaggle/kaggle-survey-2017). A subset of the multipleChoiceResponses.csv dataset, which contains the respondent’s answers to multiple choice and ranking questions was used. The code used to clean and subset the original dataset can be found in the cleankaggle2017.R file.

The subset contains the responses to the following questions:

  • Q1: Gender

  • Q2: Age-group Category

  • Q3: Country

  • Q4: Highest Formal Education Level

  • Q5: Major/area of study

  • Q6: Current job title

  • Q9: Annual Income

  • Q12: Preferred analysis software

  • Q17: Preferred programming language

  • Q18: Recommended language for an aspiring data scientist

  • Q20: Preferred machine learning library

  • Q22: Preferred visualization library

  • Q23: Proportion of time spent coding daily at work/university

  • Q25: Machine learning experience

  • Q26: Do you self-identify as a data-scientist

  • Q32 : Type of data worked with most often

  • Q37: Preferred online data science resource (coursera, Udemy,..etc.)

  • Q39: Opinion on how much better online courses are compared to traditional courses

Overview of Association Rule Learning

Association Rule learning is a text-mining technique that can conveniently construct sets of items which frequently co-occur together in a dataset. An example of an association rule for this dataset is as follows,

{Q6: Job Title=Product/Project Manager} => {Q4: Education=Master’s degree}

which indicates that having a job as a product/project manager has a consequent relationship with having a Masters degree.

Shiny Dashboard Features

The app uses the APRIORI algorithm which mines for the most frequent itemsets. The specific features of the app are as follows:

  1. Sliders to set the following parameters: Support (how often a rule is applicable in a given dataset), Confidence (the frequency of itemset appearances), Minimum and Maximum itsemset length. Setting the support and confidence to be high generates more interesting and reliable rules respectively.

  2. Checkbox option to remove redundant rules. This enables the option to remove rules that are a subset of a more general rule with similar or higher confidence. More details regarding redundant rules can be found in the documentation of the corresponsding function ??arules::is.redundant. This additionally outputs a text message specifying the number of rules removed.

  3. An interactive association scatterplot graph which visualizes the rules. This is a html widget powered by visNetwork. The interactive graph allows searching for specific rules, specific variables, and quickly obtaining quality metrics for a rule of interest by hovering over the rule.

  4. An interactive datatable containing the rules, along with additional quality metrics (support, confidence, coverage, lift and count) which the table can be sorted by.

  5. A download button for the rules datatable to be downloaded for further visualizations and analyses

Repository Organization

The server and UI code can be found in app.R. The code used to clean and subset the full dataset can be found in cleankaggle2017.R. The subsetted datasetcsv file is named surveydata.csv. The rsconnect folder contains the DCF file used to deploy the dashboard.


Hahsler M, Chelluboina S, Hornik K, Buchta C (2011). “The arules R-Package Ecosystem: Analyzing Interesting Patterns from Large Transaction Datasets.” Journal of Machine Learning Research, 12, 1977-1981. <URL: https://jmlr.csail.mit.edu/papers/v12/hahsler11a.html>.

Hahsler M (2017). “arulesViz: Interactive Visualization of Association Rules with R.” R Journal, 9(2), 163-175. ISSN 2073-4859, doi: 10.32614/RJ-2017-047 (URL: https://doi.org/10.32614/RJ-2017-047), <URL: https://journal.r-project.org/archive/2017/RJ-2017-047/RJ-2017-047.pdf>.

Tan, P.-N., Steinbach, M.,, Kumar, V. (2005). Introduction to Data Mining. Addison Wesley. ISBN: 0321321367

Dean Attali’s Shiny Tutorial: https://deanattali.com/blog/building-shiny-apps-tutorial/