

A PHP supplemental package to the ryanwinchester/netsuite-php package to add the NetSuite service client to the service container of a Laravel application. This package should be considered to be beta software for the time being.


composer require nguyentn/netsuite-laravel


By default, the configuration will assume you have your $_ENV populated with netsuite configuration keys laid out in the netsuite-php package. Read the included config/netsuite.php file as it is documented with inline comments.

Go to the netsuite-php quickstart section for more details. You can jump directly to the .env.example file to save time.

Publishing the config file

If for whatever reason you don't want to use the .env method of configuring the NetSuite service in your application, you can also publish the provided config file into your Laravel application and modify it as desired.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider=NetSuite\\Providers\\NetSuiteServiceProvider


Once installed, you should be able to access the netsuite service in the usual ways that you might get an object from the service container, either by the full service class name or using the alias provided, or by using the provided Facade, if preferred.

Get from the service container using the long form method

$service = app(NetSuite\NetSuiteService::class);
$response = $service->get($request);

Get from the service container using the alias

$service = app('netsuite');
$response = $service->get($request);

Get from the Facade accessor

$response = NetSuite::get($request);

Dependency Injection

You can also use Laravel's dependency injection. This imaginary Http controller provides a theoretical demonstration.

namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use NetSuite\Classes\GetRequest;
use NetSuite\Classes\RecordRef;
use NetSuite\Classes\RecordType;
use NetSuite\NetSuiteService;

class LookupController extends Controller
    public function lookupCustomer(NetSuiteService $service, int $internalId)
        $request = new GetRequest();
        $request->baseRef = new RecordRef();
        $request->baseRef->type = RecordType::customer;
        $request->baseRef->internalId = $internalId;
        $response = $service->get($request);
