Hardware Specification


Node name Specification Description
Master node - CPU : E5-2620 v3 @2.40GHz; 12 cores
- MEM : 32GB
- DISK : 1TB
- NIC : control plane 1G
- OS : CentOS Linux 7.9
- Container Deployment and Network Allocation
- Kubernetes Master
Worker node - CPU : Gold 6148 CPU @2.40GHz; 80 cores
- MEM : 256GB
- DISK : 2TB
- NIC : data plane XL710 for 40GbE
- OS : CentOS Linux 7.9
- Container Service
- Kubernets Worker
- System Under Test (SUT)
Traffic Generator - CPU : Gold 6148 CPU @2.40GHz; 80 cores
- MEM : 256GB
- DISK : 2TB
- NIC : data plane XL710 for 40GbE
- OS : CentOS Linux 7.9
- Traffic Generator
- TREX v2.82

Software Prerequisites for Master Nodes, and Worker Nodes

Step 1: Installing env packages for CentOS
	sudo yum install epel-release
	sudo yum install python-pip
	pip --version

Step 2: Installing Ansible by "virtual environments"
	pip install --upgrade pip
	pip install virtualenv
	pip uninstall ansible
	python -m virtualenv ansible
	source ansible/bin/activate 
	python -m pip install ansible==2.9.14
sudo yum install sshpass
sudo yum install libselinux-python
#sudo yum install libselinux-python3
pip install selinux
cp -r /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/selinux $VIRTUAL_ENV/lib/python2.7/site-packages

ssh-copy-id worker@

cd /root/k8s_ansible
ansible-playbook installation_k8s.yml
ansible-playbook settingup_k8s_cluster.yml