
Docker image to run imapfilter as a daemon with configs from git

Primary LanguageShell


Docker image to run imapfilter as a daemon: ntnn/imapfilter

Can also be used to access an up-to-date imapfilter docker image:

> docker run -it --rm --entrypoint imapfilter ntnn/imapfilter -V
IMAPFilter 2.8.1  Copyright (c) 2001-2023 Eleftherios Chatzimparmpas

The best way to use this image is to have your imapfilter configuration in a git repo.

Image tags

The repository builds to versions of the image:

  1. The latest/main tagged version, which is always build from the main branches of both lefcha/imapfilter and this repository.

  2. The latest-tag/vX.Y.Z tagged version, which is always build from the main branch of this repository and the latest tag of the lefcha/imapfilter.


This is how it could be run as a stack:

version: '3.4'

    external: true
  # contains the password for the email
    external: true

    image: ntnn/imapfilter
      GIT_TARGET: <git uri>
      IMAPFILTER_CONFIG: entry_<email>.lua
      GIT_USER: <git tool user>
      GIT_TOKEN: /secrets/imapfilter-token
      - source: imapfilter-git_token
        target: /secrets/imapfilter-token
      - source: imapfilter-<email>:
        target: /secrets/imapfilter-<email>
      mode: global

The imapfilter config is stored in a repository where entry_<email>.lua is the entry point, which then retrieves the passwords for the email address.

The filtering is invoked in a function do_<email>, which results in this code running the daemonized imapfilter:

while true do

I suggest to use multiple instances for multiple email addresses with different entrypoints (IMAPFILTER_CONFIG).

Environment variables

Environment variable Type Description
GIT_USER string Username for git
GIT_TOKEN string Path to the file containing the secret for the GIT_USER
GIT_TARGET string Git URI for the imapfilter config repo
IMAPFILTER_CONFIG string For git-based configs the entrypoint within the repository, otherwise absolute path to config
IMAPFILTER_CONFIG_BASE string If config is not git-based path to base of mounted config
IMAPFILTER_LOGFILE string Optional; file name and full path to write log files to
IMAPFILTER_DAEMON string <yes/no> If the imapfilter config is daemonized or not
IMAPFILTER_SLEEP integer How many seconds the entrypoint should sleep between checking the git config for updated or run imapfilter