Make it easy for learning groups to use simple networking in Python
address below refers to an IP:Port string eg ""
- address = advertise(name, address=None)
- address = discover(name, wait_for_secs=FOREVER)
- unadvertise(name[, wait_for_secs=SHORT_WAIT])
- [(name, address), ...] = discover_all()
- send_message(address, question[, wait_for_response_secs=FOREVER])
- message = wait_for_message(address, [wait_for_secs=FOREVER])
- send_reply(address, reply)
- send_command(address, command)
- command = wait_for_command([wait_for_secs=FOREVER])
- send_notification(address, notification)
- wait_for_notification(address[, pattern=EVERYTHING][, wait_for_secs=FOREVER])
On computer (or process) A:
import networkzero as nw0 address = nw0.advertise("hello") while True: name = nw0.wait_for_message(address) nw0.send_reply(address, "Hello, %s" % name)
On computer (or process) B and C and D...:
import networkzero as nw0 hello ="hello") reply = nw0.send_message(hello, "World") print(reply) reply = nw0.send_message(hello, "Tim") print(reply)