Project Description

We attempt to replicate the results of Baron et al., processing single-cell RNA-seq data to identify commmon and uncommon cell types in the human pancreas.


Daniel Gealow, Nikita Tomar, and David Lenci

Repository Contents

Project 4 Report.pdf: Our final report.

count_barcodes.qsub: A shell script (to be submitted to the qsub queue) that runs three instances of zcat in parallel, each gradually piping the contents of one of the sample barcode fastq files to an instance of Recieves a fastq file as piped input and counts the number of occure barcodes (first 19 bp in the sequence) into a Counter() dictionary, which is then saved to a pickle file. Plots the distribution of barcode counts in each pickle file in two figures to help determine an appropriate filter cutoff. Determines the set of barcodes that appear at least 10^4.5 times in any of the pickled counters, and writes them to whitelist files. (The combined whitelist.txt file is the one that we actually use in our further analysis).

generate_index.qsub: Runs salmon index to generate an index from the gencode v40 human reference transcriptome.

run_alevin.qsub: Runs salmon alevin to generate the UMI count matrix. Requires the barcode and read 2 files for each of the three samples, the whitelist.txt file, a transcript-to-gene mapping file (t2g_map.tsv), and the index created by generate_index.qsub.

Programmer.R: Processes the avelin data, filters out low quality genes, reduces dimension and performs clustering on them.

analyst_main.R: Contains the code for identifying potential cell markers, labeling clusters, and then generating the clustered heatmap.