
Functions to assist with flagging and visualizing data from post-calibration sensor validation tests

Primary LanguageRGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


License: GPL v3 R-CMD-check

The calval package contains a collection of functions to assist with the flagging and visualization of validation data collected during quality assurance testing of the Centre for Marine Applied Research (CMAR) Coastal Monitoring Program sensors. Sensor testing occurs prior to sensor deployment to ensure sensors are recording within an appropriate range for each variable. Testing is repeated after sensors are retrieved from deployment to check for sensor drift and biofouling impacts.

calval is compatible with the following sensor models:

Table 1. Compatible Sensor Models

Sensor Variable(s) Measured
aquaMeasure DOT Temperature, Dissolved Oxygen Percent Saturation
aquaMeasure SAL Temperature, Salinity
Vemco VR2AR & VR2AR-X Temperature
Hobo DO U26-001 Temperature, Dissolved Oxygen mg/L
Hobo Temp U22-001 Temperature


You can install the development version of calval from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")

Pre-Deployment Validation Tests

Prior to deployment, sensors that can be calibrated are calibrated according to their specific sensor manual. Each sensor is then subjected to a validation test for each variable that it measures.

Test 1

The first validation test (Test 1) evaluates accuracy of dissolved oxygen percent saturation measurements. For a validation test of dissolved oxygen percent saturation, sensors are set to record at 10 minute intervals and placed in an air-tight environment with water-saturated air at 100 % humidity. The sensors are left to record for a minimum of 6 hours (Figure 1). Upon completion of the validation tests, data from each sensor are offloaded and evaluated using the calval package functions.

Figure 1. Dissolved oxygen percent saturation test environment (Test 1)

The precision for these dissolved oxygen sensors is +/-5 % (InnovaSea 2021). Since the the sensors in the test environment are in water-saturated air, they should measure 100 +/-5 % saturation. Any sensors which record observations outside of the acceptable 95 - 105 % range for > 10 % of the test duration require re-calibration and re-validation. If a sensor fails more than 2 consecutive validation tests it will be sent back to the manufacturer for troubleshooting. Sensors that pass the tests are cleared for deployment.

Figure 2. Visualizing results of a dissolved oxygen percent saturation test for 4 sensors. Sensor 675016 recorded outside of an acceptable range for 99.9% of the test period, and was therefore flagged for re-calibration and further testing.

Test 2a or 2b

After Test 1 is completed (when applicable), the second validation test begins. Test 2 evaluates accuracy of temperature, dissolved oxygen mg/L (when applicable), and salinity (when applicable) measurements. If no salinity sensors are present in the test batch, all sensors undergo Test 2a only. If salinity sensors are present in the test batch, all sensors undergo Test 2b only.

For validation Test 2a (evaluating temperature and dissolved oxygen measured in mg/L (when applicable)), sensors are set to record at 10 - 15 minute intervals and submerged in a well insulated tank of fresh water for a minimum of 12 hours. For validation Test 2b (evaluating salinity, temperature, and dissolved oxygen measured in mg/L (when applicable)), the same test setup and duration is used as in Test 2a, except sea water is used instead of fresh water. A minimum of 4 sensors are required in the test batch to ensure a valid test for both Test 2a and 2b. When possible, a mix of sensor types are included in each test batch.

Upon completion of Test 2a or 2b, data from each sensor are offloaded and evaluated using the calval package functions. For each variable, an acceptable observation should fall within the range of median observation +/- the sensor-specific accuracy range. The accuracy range for each sensor type varies slightly. Any sensor that records outside of the acceptable range for > 10 % of the test duration will be re-calibrated (when applicable) and re-validated. If a sensor fails more than 2 consecutive validation tests it will be sent back to the manufacturer for troubleshooting. Sensors that pass the tests are cleared for deployment.

Figure 3. Visualizing results of a temperature test for 20 sensors. Observations recorded within an acceptable range for each sensor are shown in Green, while observations recorded outside of an acceptable range are shown in Red.

Figure 4. Visualizing results of a temperature test for 20 sensors. Sensor 548042 recorded outside of an acceptable range for 71.3% of the test period, and was therefore flagged for re-calibration and further testing.

Post-Deployment Validation Tests

After sensors are retrieved from deployment, they undergo post-deployment validation testing following the same procedures as the pre-deployment validation tests. Results from the post-deployment validation tests indicate whether the sensor data recorded during the sensor deployment may have been impacted by sensor drift or biofouling.

Validation Test Summary Table

Table 2. Validation Test Details

Test Test Environment Minimum Test Duration Variable(s) Tested Unit Validation Algorithm Loggers Tested
Test 1 Air-tight environment with water saturated air at 100% humidity. Sensors not submerged. 6 hours dissolved oxygen percent saturation 100% dissolved oxygen +/- sensor accuracy range aquaMeasure DOT
Test 2a Insulated tank of fresh water. Sensors fully submerged. 12 hours temperature degrees celsius Median temperature +/- sensor accuracy range aquaMeasure DOT, Hobo DO U26-001, Hobo Temp U22-001, Vemco VR2AR, Vemco VR2AR-X
Test 2a Insulated tank of fresh water. Sensors fully submerged. 12 hours dissolved oxygen mg/L Median dissolved oxygen concentration +/- sensor accuracy range Hobo DO U26-001
Test 2b Insulated tank of sea water. Sensors fully submerged. 12 hours temperature degrees celsius Median temperature +/- sensor accuracy range aquaMeasure DOT, Hobo DO U26-001, Hobo Temp U22-001, Vemco VR2AR, Vemco VR2AR-X, aquaMeasure SAL
Test 2b Insulated tank of sea water. Sensors fully submerged. 12 hours dissolved oxygen mg/L Median dissolved oxygen concentration +/- sensor accuracy range Hobo DO U26-001
Test 2b Insulated tank of sea water. Sensors fully submerged. 12 hours salinity practical salinity units (PSU) Median salinity +/- sensor accuracy range aquaMeasure SAL