
Sample app for demonstrating continuous integration and deployment of a multi-container Docker app to Azure Container Service

Primary LanguageC#

Sample app for demonstrating continuous integration and deployment of a multi-container Docker app to Azure Container Service

This repository contains a sample Azure multi-container Docker application.

  • service-a: Angular.js sample application with Node.js backend
  • service-b: ASP .NET Core sample service

Run application locally

First, compile the ASP .NET Core application code. This uses a container to isolate build dependencies that is also used by VSTS for continuous integration:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.ci.build.yml run ci-build

(On Windows, you currently need to pass the -d flag to docker-compose run and poll the container to determine when it has completed).

Now build Docker images and run the services:

docker-compose up --build

The frontend service (service-a) will be available at http://localhost:8080.