
This code is generated by ChatGPT, for hospital management system in Python, Flask and SqlAlchemy

Primary LanguagePython

Hospital Management System - Generated by ChatGPT


Login Page

A form that takes in a username and password

Dashboard Page

Navigation bar with links to different sections of the system Overview of hospital statistics, such as number of patients, revenue, etc. Charts or tables to display analytics data, such as patient status or doctor availability

Patient Management Page

Form to add new patient information Table to display list of patients with search and sort functionality Button to view individual patient information

Appointment Management Page

Form to schedule a new appointment Table to display list of appointments with search and sort functionality Button to view individual appointment information

Admission Management Page

Form to register a new patient on the counter Table to display list of registered patients with search and sort functionality Button to view individual patient information

Patient Testing Log Page

Form to log patient testing information Table to display list of patient testing logs with search and sort functionality Button to view individual patient testing log information

Operation Theater Booking Page

Form to schedule a new operation theater booking Table to display list of booked operation theaters with search and sort functionality Button to view individual booking information

Hospital Staff Management Page

Form to add new hospital staff member information Table to display list of hospital staff members with search and sort functionality Button to view individual staff member information

User Management Page

Form to add new user information Table to display list of users with search and sort functionality Button to view individual user information

Doctor Management Page

Form to add new doctor information Table to display list of doctors with search and sort functionality Button to view individual doctor information

Staff Attendance Report Page

Form to select date range for attendance report Table to display attendance report for all staff members with search and sort functionality

Patient Data and Reports Page

Form to search for a patient by ID or name Table to display patient information and reports Button to view individual patient information

Database Structure

Patient Table

Patient ID (Primary Key) First Name Last Name Date of Birth Gender Contact Number Email Address

Appointment Table

Appointment ID (Primary Key) Patient ID (Foreign Key) Doctor ID (Foreign Key) Appointment Date and Time Appointment Status (Confirmed/Cancelled)

Registration Table

Registration ID (Primary Key) Patient ID (Foreign Key) Registration Date and Time Registration Status (Completed/Cancelled)

Payment Table

Payment ID (Primary Key) Patient ID (Foreign Key) Amount Paid Payment Date and Time

Doctor Table

Doctor ID (Primary Key) First Name Last Name Specialization Contact Number Email Address

Staff Table

Staff ID (Primary Key) First Name Last Name Designation Contact Number Email Address

User Table

User ID (Primary Key) First Name Last Name Username Password (Encrypted) Email Role ID (Foreign Key)

Role Table

Role ID (Primary Key) Role Name

Patient Testing Log Table

Test ID (Primary Key) Patient ID (Foreign Key) Test Type Test Date and Time Test Result

Patient History Log Table

History ID (Primary Key) Patient ID (Foreign Key) Diagnosis Prescription Treatment Date and Time

Doctor Availability Table

Availability ID (Primary Key) Doctor ID (Foreign Key) Day of Week Start Time End Time

Operation Theater Availability Table

Theater ID (Primary Key) Theater Name Availability Date and Time Availability Status (Available/Unavailable)

Booking Table

Booking ID (Primary Key) Patient ID (Foreign Key) Theater ID (Foreign Key) Booking Date and Time Booking Status (Confirmed/Cancelled)