
Ansible playbooks to provision basic LAMP stack on AWS

AWS-LAMP: Playbooks to provision a basic LAMP stack on AWS

There are two playbooks you need to run:

  • provision-ec2.yml
  • install-stack.yml

Provision EC2

This playbook creates two web server instances, a MySQL instance and an HAProxy instance using the CentOS 6 HVM AMI.

To provision all instances, run:

ansible-playbook provision-ec2.yml

You will need to install the boto Python module and configure a .boto file in your home directory with your AWS access key and AWS secret key. You can find more info at the Getting Started with Boto site.

Install the Stack

This playbook will install and configure all the necessary packages on the Apache, MySQL and HAProxy instances. It will also configure iptables and create a sample index.html file to illustrate the load balancing.

To install the stack, first update the following variables in group_vars/all

  • instance_type
  • region
  • key_pair
  • security_group
  • volume_size (optional)

Then run the playbook:

ansible-playbook -u centos install-stack.yml

You will need to need to download the EC2 dynamic inventory script and INI file. Copy these to /etc/ansible and then set a variable:

export ANSIBLE_HOSTS=/etc/ansible/ec2.py

You will also need to disable ssh key checking by running


Once the playbook has completed successfully, you can reach the site by going to


Refresh the site several times to see the index.html files of both web servers behind the load balancer.