
web automation test framework

Primary LanguageJava


Aspire Challenge Web Automation Framework


A test framework dedicated for the Aspire Challenge Test to implement automation test for the Aspire Demo App.


  • Web testing with Selenium + TestNG
  • Browser supported: Chrome, FireFox
  • Dependencies Injection with Guice
  • Report with Extent Report

Getting Started

1. Installation

  • Clone this repository directly from Github

2. Dependencies Requirements

  • JDK Version: 11, you can download either from here JDK11 and setting up the JAVA_HOME environment variable. For more information, please look at this Instruction. Please don't attempt to upgrade or downgrade the JDK to 8 or higher version
  • IDE: Please use your Java IDE that you feel familiar with, e.g: Eclipse, IntelliJ, NetBeans,...
  • Maven: Build Tool for this Framework.
  • Lombok: This is the Library for Trimming down the redundancy of POJO classes which will make the framework look repetitive in the long run. For more information, please go to this Link for more details on Project Lombok.

3. Test Execution

3.1. Run the TestNG instance:

You can run the testNG instance in the Test code directly by simply run the suite in test package.

  • Here is the sample code:
        public class DriverManagerTest extends ServiceInjection {
            public void initDriverBasedOnBrowserName() {
                String browserName = "chrome";
                WebDriver driver = DriverFactory.createInstance(browserName, new DesiredCapabilities());
                Injector injector = Guice.createInjector(new WebDriverModule());
                loginPage = injector.getInstance(LoginPage.class);

3.2. Run the Maven test command:

  • Initiate the test through the command like this

    mvn clean test -Dsuite=[suiteName] -D[params...]
    //or left the param blank if you run with Chrome
  • where: - suiteName: by default I created the suite name suite.xml, you can go create another one based on your need of test run - parameters: by now I implemented 2 parameters browserName for choosing the Browser at runtime and defaultTimeOut for default web wait time out.

4. Test Creation:

  • We structured the test FW in ehanced Page Object Model (More about it here Enhanced-POM ) with PageFactory.

  • Below is step-by-step test case creation:

    • Extend from BasePage (Since we will store our test object and page action in the Pages). e.g, I have a Login Page, so just need to follow the code implemented below for creating a new Page
    public class LoginPage extends BasePage {
    @FindBy(xpath = "xpath")
    private WebElement loginLabel;
    // adding test object here
    public LoginPage(WebDriver driver) {
    public void doSomethingWithLogin(){
        //do it here
    • Adding test object and method and you are good to go