Primary LanguagePython


This repo is inherited from https://github.com/li-xirong/w2vvpp and https://github.com/danieljf24/dual_encoding


  • Ubuntu 16.04
  • cuda 10
  • python 2.7.12
  • conda
  • PyTorch 1.2.0
  • tensorboard 1.14.0
  • numpy 1.16.4
  • keras
  • tensorflow

Set up environment

Change environment variables to desired folder and create folder storing dataset(VisualSearch)

export HOME=/path/to/desired/folder
cd $HOME
mkdir VisualSearch
git clone https://github.com/0902338471/W2VV.git
conda create -n W2VV python=2.7
conda activate W2VV
pip install -r ~/W2VV/w2vvpp/requirements.txt

Extract features with ResNet152

1.Run following code, replace ${your_data_name} variable by your own data name

mkdir ~/${your_data_name}   
mkdir ~/VisualSearch/${your_data_name}/
mkdir ~/VisualSearch/${your_data_name}/FeatureData/
mkdir ~/VisualSearch/${your_data_name}/TextData/
  1. Download all your dataset inside folder ~/W2VV/DATASET/{train/val/test}/${your_data_name}.(storing images and captions data in separate subfolder)
  2. Copying image caption file with format: [image-name] [text_catption] inside folder ~/VisualSearch/${data_name}/TextData/${data_name}.caption.txt/
  3. Run following code, replace ${image_folder} ${output_features_name} with your folder image dataset and desired txt file storing extracted features respectively
python resnext_152_extract.py --data_path ${image_folder} -- feature_path ${output_features_name}.txt

Convert features txt file to bin file format

Run following code, replace ${output_features_name} and ${data_name}

python txt2bin.py 1000 ~/W2VV/${output_features_name} 0 ~/VisualSearch/${data_name}/FeatureData/mean_resnext101_resnet152

After previous steps, your dataset folder will have following format

├── FeatureData
│   └── mean_resnext101_resnet152
│       ├── feature.bin
│       ├── shape.txt
│       └── id.txt
└── TextData
    └── ${your_data_name}.caption.txt
  • FeatureData: extracted image feature.
  • feature.bin: extracted features in binary format
  • ${your_data_name}.caption.txt: caption data. The file structure is as follows, in which the image and sentence in the same line are relevant.
image_id_1#1 sentence_1
image_id_1#2 sentence_2
image_id_n#1 sentence_k


Building vocabulary for caption file

Run following code

cd ~/W2VV/w2vvpp
./do_build_vocab.sh ${data_name}